I was kicked from the [9]'s server for MD5Tool Mismatch: osp/off.cfg (http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9057), and I don't believe that this is a justified ban because the cfgs I was kicked for couldn't qualify as being hacks.
In my osp/off.cfg = bind mouse1 "+attack"
and in my osp/on.cfg = bind mwheeldown "+attack;centerview"
bind mwheelup "+attack;centerview"
This was just something I messed around with when I was bored, but anyhow in order for the centerview to work against the enemy they have to be standing straight up and down (which hardly is the case with everybody crouchleaning and jumping), it would take more skill trying to kill someone with this cfg than it is to just aim normally. Anybody can bind the key so it is convenient for them to hit while they are shooting (would they be considered hackers to?). I wish to be taken off the banlist for these reasons, thank you.