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  1. Adjusting from console modify's the config all the same. And in this case Hiprakka's REALLY should have check the config out in notepad. "When it say danger, do you still go there?, when it says poison, do you still drink it?, when it says DO NOT MODIFY, do you still modify it?" Danger? WHERE? I'm on it right away! I'm not that kind of guy who believes everything what is said and written. And if you are have a interesting life and think of me when you realise everything is not that black and white and everything aren't THE TRUTH what is written or said in television... ak/TT Arzy
  2. Hmm, I wonder can you see the QUESTION MARKS there -> " I wonder what is your policy to get someone to your list? Streamed servers? Or just log or screenshot?" I count three... There are not many things I trust around this game anymore but streamed servers are in my thumbs up list. And I still FULLY trust my cousin in this case and yes this is the hard way to learn NEVER try anyones else's config before you read it through line by line. Everybody who has played this game has modified their config's that's for sure, some has changed control buttons, some has changed the color and the size of crosshair etc. so the wise ass with that reply "do not modify" could lil think what he says. I have played this game since mp demo and I really hate cheaters even catched some who used them in CB war against us so I am not here to trying get some cheater back online, only trying to help my cousin who has been labeled as a cheater now although the label naive would be more accurate. I know U couldn't give a f*** about my posts but that's allright, it's enough for me that I know Hiprakka hasn't cheated and for now on he knows that using some other players config is hazardous without proper read-through-operation. ak/TT Arzy
  3. So in this case a player who has never cheated and just tested some other players sof2mp.cfg is labeled as cheater. Hooray! JUSTICE HAS HAPPENED! TRULY!
  4. "We at PBBans are breaking new grounds in the anti-cheat world and are developing a user-friendly and trustworthy ban index. We will never place a ban on the Master Ban Index (MBI) without proof from confirmed server administrators. Whether it be PunkBuster™ logs, screenshot or demo, the proof is indexed and stored at PBBans for future reference. There is even an appeal process in place for those that feel they have been incorrectly banned. Using our Master Player Index (Master Player Index (MPI)) you can look up any player and see a cross index of GUIDs, Aliases, IP Addresses and bans as well as proof of any ban." I really wanna see how TRUSTWORTHY your system is since I know FOR SURE atleast one case where 110% clean player has got his name to your site: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9465 The fact why I know for sure he is clean is that I've been numerous times behind his back and watching when he plays and he really don't even have to THINK to cheat. I wonder what is your policy to get someone to your list? Streamed servers? Or just log or screenshot? Everybody knows how easy logs and shots are fake so if you put ppl to your list without PROPER checking the CREDIBILITY is below zero in my eyes and probably that's the reason CB does ignore you too. BTW I did just remember that Hiprakka play ALWAYS autodemo on so he has demo everytime the map changes/restarts in servers where he plays. For example 12 demos from 24.1.2005 when he was kicked for some reason off the server. He has about 300 demo's so he can also easily prove that he don't cheat. Now I really wanna see some quick actions and his name cleaned! :angry: ak/TT Arzy
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