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About Hiprakka

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    arpakuutiot / #LasT.aTTempT
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    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  1. Ok let's end this case. I take my punish and get use to it. Even i don't like it coz i didn't do anything. But if that's your last word that ban is valid and it's stay on list ok then keep it. This case was only big spot on my whole carreer. But if someone keeps me now a cheater and haxor so be it. Most important thing is that my friends and clan meights know what is truth. End of story. Yours very truly ak/TT Hiprakka (admins close this case. I don't want read any new "fighting" poist , Peace all! )
  2. Good wroted my dear cousin. Yes last time on december 2004 we have great lan party just for us ;) And yes i have almost 300 demos on my play with last 2 month. So now ask you site admins and other people. Wich are more trustworthy evidence : 1 screenshot ( what can be faked or mistake ) OR allmost 300 DEMOS FOR MY PLAY! Yeasterday we have cb match and now we have conflict with opponent coz my guid is without reason on your ban list. I'm gladd that cb take step and make on ban list and don't mind any other list anymore. So can you please clear my name. Best regars ak/TT Hiprakka btw i can too ask couple other to write hear who has been back of me when i have been play sof2. And i have good quess what they will be write ;) So do something before it's too late for you name.
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