Here's a link to download the map --> Falcon
Thanks for letting me know Ace, that was the first time I've ever ran a demo on a suspected hacker so I really was not all that familiar with it. While we'd love to be able to stream to you guys it just isn't an option right now with several of us on dial-up. That may change soon in the future though, 2 years and no broadband in my area is giving us thoughts of moving closer to the city, lol. We have a scrim server though and may decide to stream that one when we get back into league in the winter.
I've been playing this game on 56k for 2 years now so I'm pretty used to it. Started out in a 56k clan actually, but I moved on once I was able to compete with those on high speed. It's not as bad as some may think, depends alot on your machine and finding a good ISP with the best ping. I bottom out 170/180 in our server on a good day. :)