I play multi-class on a penquin city server. We have a guy in there that many of us believe is cheating. There is about an even split amoungst the regs there whether he does or doesn't - - I fall on the "he does" side. The "symptoms" of his cheat is - - He never misses. Not only does he not miss - - He always gets head shots. Doesn't make any difference if he or his target is moving or how far away they are - - He still gets head shots. I don't even have to check the scripts to see if it was him that killed me. It is that distinctive. 3 shots dead. That quick everytime. There are some good players on mulit-class but nothing like this guy.
My Question is how do we tell if he is cheating
I finally decided to research this problem after he posted a 50+ percentage with 30+ kills. That is unheard of. You can get a high percentage if you are careful and don't waste bad low percentage shots. Most of the time that results in a low kill ratio since you don't risk shooting unless you know you will hit and kill. But 50 and 30 - impossible