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Integrity Violations: When PunkBuster is unable to verify that a player's gaming environment is functioning properly and/or has not been alterred, an Integrity violation is raised. This also involves the detection of modified game or PunkBuster files. These violation numbers are between 10000 and 29999.
thats not even an authentic PBSS theres no way someone would be able to see exactly what that person is seeing by 'sectating' them. mspaint ftw imo **edit** if anything the person who was spectating 'hate' would be the one using a cheat.. since as i said theres no possible way of seeing what the client is seeing while spectating. unless sof2 is completely different from other PB games.
i personally dont use the slot number i usually do it by partial name i.e. /rcon pb_sv_getss "partialnickname" and it will do the same as slot number.
no you would have a file called pbsvlog.cfg in your PB folder with something along the lines of pb_sv_LogAddr xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx <-- would be pointing to pbbans streaming service pb_sv_LogPort xxxxxx <--- the port for the specific streaming server pb_sv_LogUser someusername <-- what ever your assigned for username pb_sv_Logpw somepassword <-- some password that you would want or be assigned.
yeh unfortunatly not much can be done about people using legit game commands to benefit themselfs.. I recently caught someone using a anti recoil script on one of my servers. all u can do is if you suspect someone of using a script to run the command(s) foxdie suggested and checking your logs for the output. if hes using a script that 'benfits' him in a way that it shouldnt its upto YOUR discretion (as the game admin) to Locally ban him for using it. ( i personally ban for using anti recoil scripts though on my main server my Mod disables specific commands so anti recoil scripts dont work.. )
yeh to bad that doesnt output the text to rcon/console :D it outputs it to the svlogs files :D
whole config? goto your svlogs folder if a user is currently on your server download/open the 'current' log file i.e. search by date/time find the latest log open it up and read thru it :) that will show you if hes got any 'user cvars' and quite a few of his game settings etc.
the ban should be in the Master Ban Index (Master Ban Index (MBI)), and shouldnt really ban by IP# since the next person using that ip will be banned from your server if he/she trys to connect GUID ban is the best way to go (even though ET guids are next to useless) I only ban by IP when/if i know the person is on a static ip i.e. it doesnt change. also i know the list u speak of i seen it kickn around too on the forums.. do a search its still probably lurking around :) [PBBans:9250 12.27.2005] 604258a19d897e66c3187fbb9911b1df "Ertragswinkel" "" "MD5TOOL #9002 - (allies.bmp (len=32))" see its in the Master Ban Index (MBI) :D
should i rephrase and say its in my PERSONAL OPINION that 24hr updates are quite Long compared to other services that update hourly? and by all means ill take mthe 6 servers i am streaming to pbbans elsewhere I have no problems with that. as im already adding bans from my servers to my servers banlists usually before their even on the Master Ban Index (MBI).
yeh i find by 12am PST the previous days bans are accumulated and added to the banlist (for the most part) wish it was updated hourly or every 2hrs or something though.. 24hr updates is freakn slow...
here is an updated version for all pb games. i should note these stats are just the CHEATERS caught. the ratio of cheater to innocent players i cant get the stats for since i would need every single streamed log to parse that information so i parsed JUST the cheaters caught. so even though the USA has 12.5k cheaters that could be 12.5k out of 10 million where as netherlnads could be 3454 out of 20,000 etc so the cheater to 'legit' player ratio isnt included. this is for All Punkbuster enabled games, the stats come from players who were caught cheating. Any ban that didnt have an IP address is not included in the report.. in total there is (as of 12/20/05) 51,777 Bans in total Cheater Countries Found 88 countries with cheaters United States - 12520 Netherlands - 3454 Germany - 2859 United Kingdom - 2723 Canada - 2094 Poland - 1514 Belgium - 1300 France - 1290 Portugal - 790 Finland - 685 Israel - 640 Spain - 495 Australia - 488 Italy - 488 Sweden - 440 Estonia - 291 Brazil - 277 Switzerland - 233 Hungary - 213 Slovenia - 189 Norway - 180 Austria - 180 Denmark - 160 Japan - 147 Czech Republic - 100 Korea, Republic of - 80 Hong Kong - 72 Croatia - 72 Bosnia and Herzegovina - 68 Russian Federation - 64 Mexico - 61 Taiwan, Province of China - 61 New Zealand - 49 Greece - 47 Singapore - 33 Romania - 30 Iceland - 29 Turkey - 27 China - 25 Philippines - 23 Chile - 21 Puerto Rico - 21 Dominican Republic - 18 Ireland - 18 South Africa - 16 Malta - 16 Luxembourg - 15 Lithuania - 14 Latvia - 14 United Arab Emirates - 13 Malaysia - 12 Argentina - 11 Slovakia - 11 Bulgaria - 11 Venezuela - 9 Cyprus - 8 Yugoslavia - 7 Kuwait - 6 India - 6 El Salvador - 5 Honduras - 4 Egypt - 4 Senegal - 4 Monaco - 4 Guatemala - 3 Palestinian Territory, Occupied - 3 Bahrain - 3 Thailand - 3 Europe - 3 Gibraltar - 3 Guam - 3 Algeria - 2 Indonesia - 2 Panama - 2 Georgia - 2 Colombia - 2 Tunisia - 1 Angola - 1 Ukraine - 1 Trinidad and Tobago - 1 Qatar - 1 Jordan - 1 Liechtenstein - 1 Peru - 1 Nicaragua - 1 Greenland - 1 Bolivia - 1 Bahamas - 1
hey man :) just seen the post , good to see ya here :)
its nice to know where the people that are getting banned are coming from.. thats my point some people like a demographic view of information instead of just saying " oh we got xxx amount of cheaters " we can now say oh we got xxx amount of cheaters our records shows that xx % is from xx country. etc.
this list contains cheaters caught and Master Ban Index (MBI)'d by pbbans & 'other' Repositorys, Information taken from the banned cheaters IP's and converted to country.. list is for AA / BF2 / BFB / BF1942 / COD / COD UO / ET / MOH:PA / RTCW / SOF2 i havent parsed the other 'games' as of yet soon though soon! these stats are roughly 2 days old since i havent updated my info other then for et since then :) any entry that has no valid IP is ignored and not added to the statistic (sucks but thats like 15,000+ entries) countries are primarily from AA bans the major Repositorys for AA strip the ip address from their banlists :banghead: Cheater Countries Found 88 countries with cheaters United States - 10898 Netherlands - 3286 Germany - 2652 United Kingdom - 2497 Canada - 1834 Poland - 1486 Belgium - 1253 France - 1131 Portugal - 773 Finland - 667 Israel - 627 Spain - 479 Australia - 450 Italy - 430 Sweden - 405 Estonia - 289 Brazil - 261 Hungary - 210 Switzerland - 199 Slovenia - 185 Norway - 167 Austria - 161 Denmark - 145 Japan - 138 Czech Republic - 98 Korea, Republic of - 71 Croatia - 69 Bosnia and Herzegovina - 68 Hong Kong - 62 Taiwan, Province of China - 60 Mexico - 58 Russian Federation - 54 New Zealand - 48 Greece - 46 Singapore - 33 Iceland - 29 Romania - 29 Turkey - 25 China - 25 Philippines - 22 Chile - 21 Dominican Republic - 18 Ireland - 18 Malta - 16 South Africa - 15 Puerto Rico - 14 Luxembourg - 13 Latvia - 13 United Arab Emirates - 12 Malaysia - 12 Lithuania - 12 Slovakia - 11 Argentina - 11 Bulgaria - 10 Venezuela - 8 Cyprus - 7 Yugoslavia - 7 Kuwait - 6 India - 6 Honduras - 4 Egypt - 4 Senegal - 4 Monaco - 4 El Salvador - 3 Bahrain - 3 Guatemala - 3 Guam - 3 Europe - 3 Thailand - 3 Palestinian Territory, Occupied - 3 Panama - 2 Gibraltar - 2 Indonesia - 2 Georgia - 2 Colombia - 2 Ukraine - 1 Angola - 1 Liechtenstein - 1 Peru - 1 Algeria - 1 Tunisia - 1 Bahamas - 1 Jordan - 1 Nicaragua - 1 Greenland - 1 Trinidad and Tobago - 1 Bolivia - 1 Qatar - 1
get on evenbalances balls.. I sent it in to em quite awhile back and its still undetected...