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Everything posted by Pinacle

  1. actually its not 'ancient news' they supposedly fixed it up but just recently found out that the latest xfire settings can also cause the gamehack 89103 (or soemthing like that) which was a problem on Evenbalances End so people were being banned by accident so to speak and being added to repositorys ban lists for this hack that wasnt a hack. they didnt know about it till like last week when myself and a few others tested out a theory and gave that theory to evenbalance who ended up testing it and finding out we could recreate a false / positive that shouldnt have even existed. and by looking a pbbans banlist i can see several 9003 and 89103 bans still in effect even though they arent legit bans :P
  2. sorry for the bump http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12505 the 9003 and 89103 are the exact same violation its an error on PB's part :P i'll be more then happy to give a pbbans ADMIN the ticket url with the authentic ticket/reply from stuart dunsmore :P
  3. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12505 that post should resolve your issue if not check this one on how to fix it :P http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12362
  4. just checked and your on neither pbbans or psb repository so thats good news :) give that a try and you shouldnt get banned no more if you do post back here and tell us what your running in the background
  5. with the latest version of xfire open up the file xfire_games.ini goto the enemy territory section (4097) or search for enemy goto the Ingameflags=Wolf_ETPRO|OGL_EXTRA_HOOKS and add a ; in front of that line i.e. ;Ingameflags=Wolf_ETPRO|OGL_EXTRA_HOOKS save the file shutdown xfire completely and restart / open xfire up and you shouldnt get kicked for that violation the Ingamerenderer=OGL works fine with PB (thats how you get ingame chat) but if you wanna be safe you can comment it out the same was as the ingameflags setting with a ; ;ingamerenderer=ogl if your on pbbans repository and/or psb's ban repository just appeal the ban. i know psb is going to be removing that violation from there repository along with the video hack 9003 or what ever it is ( its the same violation as the gamehack #89103 which is a error on xfire and pb's part )
  6. you using xfire? if so your answer is here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12505
  7. to break it down easily I was banned for a gamehack though i wasnt cheating and to prove this i had to recreate what had happened and we tracked it back to xfire and the OGL settings ;InGameRenderer=OGL ;InGameFlags=WOLF_ETPRO|OGL_EXTRA_HOOKS those are for INGAME chat for enemy territory , by uncommentign them you mainly get banned for a VIDEO HACK and on rare ocassions a gamehack #89103 anyways to make this quick I reported this to evenbalance and they confirmed it and said this 06/18/2005 22:10:03 - "Stuart Dunsmore" Note #11: Ok, the Video driver hack is from Xfire, they still have the same issue with their OGL hooks. Also, the 89103, found out what that is, and it's the same issue, but a bug on our end that is giving the wrong vio instead of the same 90003. We do not ban for this, but I am going to talk to PsB about it. so just a heads up , not sure how much EB deals with pbbans
  8. Why dont you two 'organizations' share each others Master Ban Index (Master Ban Index (MBI)) for games , would make your current banlists from 700 to 1500 bans (all different guids i checked :P) i currently use both pbbans and punksbusted banlists and its definatly nice to see that theres that extra bit of security via the extra ban information from both places.
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