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    Dutch Elite Frag Brigade
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    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  1. look here http://www2.fraps.com/ what FRAPS is ;) Is that a cheat tool? Guess not so evenbalance doesn't say its a cheat. Why is our member then PERM BANNED??
  2. 02/25/2005 05:57:20 - "Gp007" Note #3: There were NO such thing on that pc, but some people say it is because there were some violations in the past with that guid. We are sure that this member didn't cheat. Can u guys look in a history off a guid?? 02/25/2005 03:00:43 - "Stuart Dunsmore" Note #2: A gamehook violation is for PB detecting a modification of the game by an outside program. Some things such as GameCam, FRAPS, and others could cause this. 02/22/2005 09:30:03 - "Gp007" Note #1: Ticket submitted to support staff. so still waiting on reply ;) (will update this page)
  3. I allready did that. ;)
  4. Let me make myself REALLY clear here. This MEMBER DIDN'T CHEAT!!! (not in the past or NOW)
  5. Sorry but what does that helps us?? nothing? We are possitive that there is NO cheat on the comp!! He played yesterday on our server for 3 hours with the same configuration and not get kicked?? (same server config) Maybe just a leak in PB file search? (file related stuff)
  6. [02.18.2005 16:32:38] |9809| VIOLATION (GAME HOOK) #120020: =(DEFB)= Mr '][' [NL] (slot #2) Violation (GAME HOOK) #120020 [e10d5fa5051ca35061b105be04c5502e(VALID)] [02.18.2005 16:32:38] |9810| Kick Command Issued (Violation (GAME HOOK) #120020) for (2) =(DEFB)= Mr '][' [NL]
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