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Everything posted by Skylla-Nemesis

  1. Hub Game: ET Clantag; [skylla]
  2. Hi, When a server starts how are the configs and cfg loaded. For example, I start my server with a normal config (not much in it server name,host ...) at the end I start CB config. When does the pbsv.cfg load. What will happen if in CB config for examlpe I have pb_sv_cvar "r_drawentities" IN 1 1 in pbsv.cfg I would have pb_sv_cvar "r_drawentities" IN 1 2 OK maybe a stupid example, but just wondering if I use Master CVAR Library in pbsv.cfg, are there any cvars, that are different from CB config, and we could have problems with offi matches.
  3. Cool, thx I was jused pissed up when yawned a couple of times, saw there that players have cheates from like 1 day ago (have the same GUID,PB guid) and they were not kicked. Small question again maybe I should post somewhere else, but IF I will recieve now updates, do I even need jPAT then.
  4. Hi, A very short question, :rolleyes: does this mean that our pbbans.dat will be updateed automaticaly? Or for that I need to do something else.
  5. Game: ET Clantag; [skylla]
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