I never reviewed the second demo and wasnt paying close attention when it happened so I didnt know about the footsteps at the end but I will take a look at it again.
Im not gonna disagree that when they said BS that it was sometimes very noobish, everyone in our clan was predisposed to belive that he was hacking so naturally the first thing out of your mouth in that situation is "BS". And yes, our clan is certinly not the most experienced out there, we are here to have fun and when a guy can come in with ~120 cvars changed, a jump script where he can float, and is killing anything that moves around him the radar goes on.
It is also the reason I posted here, I want the opinions of those that know more than my clan and I do in these matters. The biggest thing I am looking for here is an explination for why those cvars would be set the way they are, mainly the com and sys variables. I havent found a record of them anywhere and the ignore commands mean that something isnt being check that normally is.