When going online in a multiplay, the game logs onto a central master server to obtain a list of servers running the game. Your GUID contains highly encrypted fragments of your product code and is presented as the identity of YOUR GAME. B)
At regular intervals, the master server checks with the PB ban-list-server. :blink:
If you are blacklisted then you are kicked from PB-enabled games. :unsure:
Server master admins can present screenshot evidence to PB to generate a ban. The main catcher is a scan on known PAK/driver hacks.
You can still play on non PB-enabled sites although they are a waste of time, they're full of idiots getting off on wall / skin / aim hacks and thinking they're good . :rolleyes:
I believe that the new standard is a conglomerate GUID containing the MAC id's of crucial components eg graphics card, mobo and CPU. This enables a ban on the entire PC... a better kick in the pocket to cheats. :lol:
Check out the EvenBalance site for further info.
John T