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About Zozz

  • Birthday 11/30/1982

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Clan / Team / League Information (Optional)

  • Name
    Bunker Gaming
  • Tag
  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Enemy Territory
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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Explorer (4/14)

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  1. Bah I forgot B11 was on a weird port :P Will edit my post
  2. Server IP: Server Port : 27940 Game : Enemy Territory Clan Tag : |>B<| Co-Admin : N/A Note: Port in port title is incorrect, port in message is correct though. 27940 Edit: Incase it matters, this is Bunker 11 ( |>B<|11 )
  3. Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : Enemy Territory Clan Tag : |>B<| Co-Admin : N/A Edit: Incase it matters, this is Bunker 2 ( |>B<|2 )
  4. Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : Enemy Territory Clan Tag : |>B<| Co-Admin : N/A
  5. Looks like it's streaming now :)I didn't send a PM on irc, just asked in channel if any site admins were there...I guess I joined the channel at bad times when I stopped by =p
  6. Can't seem to get ahold of anyone in irc whenever I stop by there, hope it's ok to post here... I'm currently streaming 1 server to pbbans, Bunker 1 (, and would like to stream a second server (Bunker 2, Both servers are running Enemy Territory. Do I use the same login user/pass for the second server as I use for the first one? When we upgraded the mod on our second server, we copied the server config from the first to use as a base config and I never removed the login info that's used from the first server...so it's probably already trying to send logs.
  7. Zozz


    Any idea how the thing works though? It's done automatically, they aren't binds that the player uses after counting seconds or anything. Also, it has the location of the dynamite Ex: Dyna at Fuel Dump in 20 seconds Dyna at Fuel Dump in 15 seconds and Dyna at Weak Tunnel in 20 seconds etc When dynamite is planted in several different locations, or more than 1 planted...it gets really annoying ><
  8. Does anyone know if there's a way to disable the ability to use scripts or whatever the thing is that announces dynamite time? There have been people playing on our server lately that have been using it, I've asked them not to but they won't listen...so I'd like to disable it somehow :P What I mean by announcing dynamite time...when either team plants dynamite, the 'tool' as they call it announces in team chat how much time is left until it explodes.
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