hi bob i have been running sof2 servers for over a year i have just enabled pb and got reading some of the topics here.where do i start to have a good pb server running
thank you i have it working,,one more question,,how do i say get in a players screen to see what they see to to take a shot and accually catch them cheating,,,,,,??
hi i have neaver taken a screen shot,,i tryed it today but it neaver gave me a message as to where the shot went,,,is thier something i have to set up befor this works??
hello i run a sof2 server,,i have pb many and still finding they are geting around it they come right back in and laugh at ya,,,i was told after i pban someone i had to transfer my pban CFG to sof2mpban CFG is this right or do i have to change my <_< destination pban to sof2pban file????thanks