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Everything posted by sof2poison

  1. Yes, i will admit my typing got carried away. I aplogise for the illness in my previous posts. My first post was in the spirit of finding out what was wrong. Thats is what is important here, plse forgive the rant above. LOL I posted at the same time as the above post, so i didnt get a chance to read it before my apology was stated.... So now my appeal is denied because I have posted with an attitude... Capital ROFL. You sir are what we call a TOOL. There are no other bans for kpitch violations! WTF My ban was issued in December. Surely if this was a cheat, it would show up more than 1 time. Enough time wasted with this....
  2. Why is it you can reply to this post in less than 5 minutes, but my appeal was sent in at least a month ago? Then a follow up appeal was sent. I mean whats the decision making process? Do you all meet 1 time a month and figure all this shit out or what? I mean surely someone has the power to say YES or NO to the ban. After all you are the co-founder of this site... Instead you guys sit here and jerk people off for months at a time.... Ya u guys rock man...
  3. I searched kpitch here on this site and I am the only person banned for this cvar violation that I can find. I would also like to add that I started this post to gain information about the ban. That said, your reply comes off sounding like you have a deffinate power trip problem. "Your Funny" and "I should be thankful" rofl, get over yourself. Being that your previous post was so emotionally charged, I will ASSume that my raising the middle finger to you will not help my appeal process. I will also add that kpitch 985 does nothing! Absolutely nothing! So take your ban and wipe your ass with it. A simple IP# change should do the trick and a $5 copy of sof2. Sounds alot better then waiting for your fatass admins to get off their asses and fix this shit.
  4. I was banned for this cvar violation ... I have searched everywhere with no help determining the cause. Anyone can shed some insight on this?
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