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Everything posted by bmo37

  1. sorry for the late response took a break for awhile, as far as the names go, major general was what my little brother used so i just kept it, than people in my clan started calling me major penis so that stuck for awhile and finally it went to swampass for no particular reason. Also im clean never cheated or had more than one guid, or cdkey so im not trying to hide my identity or aynthing like that just need a little change now and than. :ph34r:
  2. i have a few names major, major general, major penis, and swampass
  3. alright cool thanks for the info, so as far as cheats go this isn't considered one thats bannable but is a clear advantage and won't fly when used in actual matches if i understand what your saying.
  4. just wasn't sure because some guys told me that there are cheats out there that makes the guns visible through walls giving you a wallhack effect, and when scrimming these guys just didn't feel right cause they always seemed to jump out at the right times. also if it means anything the server were using is a pure one using the lastest osp 1.04h, actually probably more of teal, thanks for the response
  5. Does anyone know if this is a cheat, his gun seems to be a bright green and so doesn't his teammates if you zoom in on the picture, i have 2 more ss but they only show the gun being green
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