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Everything posted by GUMP

  1. Indeed sir, indeed
  2. well we clearned the CVAR lagg issue i feel. Clearly it does not cause a problem. As for 1.4, ya i know its not soo soo many server but it sure has lots. I seem to be happier on 1.0, its truly a family the 1.o community. And yes, this family has a lot of embarasing members we dont talk about, liek any large family. LOL
  3. Well in my opinion its jsut so damn big, but then agian i have never played anyhting other than 1.0. When i decided to check out 1.4 for the first time, i was intimidated by all the server. Its funny but i feel better when i play on 1.0 beucase its smaller. Also, someone told me that it sucks that 1.4 PB checks your CVAR and makes you lagg. I dont know about this but if its true then theres another issue.
  4. sadly the platinum pack release of RTCW comes auto updated to 1.4. I email ID amny times and tried /autoupdate 0 and some other stuff, but twas inable to go to 1.0 from the new realease. Long story short if you want to play 1.0 i think ya got to go out fo your way to get it. I had to use Amazon to get an old version of the CD to have as backup. As for sandman, I know he is now working on 1.33 but i am not sure what he is doing. On a persoanl note i dont' realy see why it matter if peopel play 1.0 more often now. Some come to hack i accept this, but others come to get away form the massiveness of 1.4, and I can relate to them. Sandmna kinda helped to level the playing field.
  5. LOL! This thread has been going on for quite a while. I am happy i started it. As for 1.0, I play it and many play it because we have made friends playing it. I dont know if we can be classified as retro gammers but i do know 1.0 is good enough for me. I rather 1.0 it than 1.4 whith its million server. LOL. Long story short we have no protection against cheats on 1.0 this we knew when getting involved in it. But i have made lasting relationships with people on 1.0 and i love it. :lol: The s4ndmod is a great developemnt in 1.0, it protects us form basic commands that coud crash a server, and also allows us to customize our game. Specifiacally deathmatch! Its creator s4ndman is a great guy who saw a problem and wanted to help. Ironically he thinks playing 1.0 is crazy but he wanted to help and we admire him for that. Check us out. The coolest clan on 1.0 LOL. http://rkuprising.com
  6. i hear ya man. It sucks we cant stream for you. but i knew when i was getting involved with the unpatched 1.0 that i would pretty much be kicking a dead horse. either way we are happy and we love what we do. I guess we work with the tools we got and we dont get many new ones. In the end i think the effort and spirit we spend on 1.0 to coral cheaters is fuled by the same good and decent belief that the best game play is the type that is fair and balanced. I know PBBANS believes this so I think we all have the best intentions here. As for your recomendation to ban more than the first 2 sets of digits of an offenders IP, i will try this. I know it will require more investigating than our current allotment fo tiem allows, but we will attempt it.
  7. I hear ya dude and there is no problem what so ever, I would not have donated if i did have a problem. As for the RTCW 1.0 community gaining PB yes its true. Hopefully we can do business.
  8. To be honest man, he really got sidetracked into that. He int criticising it other than the odviousfact that PB is pretty much easily by passed if you have some skillz. I mean the source is open to public. If you guys dont want to hear that itt is ofcourse your right as the ones who run this board. Im jsut trying to keep him out of trouble in terms of the Hakcing PB stuff. LOL I would also like to state that to be honest Fozzer kinda looks down on this S4ndmod we are talking abou tin this thread. He openly called it a low grade banning system and that is why my firend said back to Fozzer that PB aint all its cracked up to be. Long story short i think Fozzer asked for it a bit and they are both even now. LOL
  9. i think he was stating that PB has flaws. I dont see him saying anything promoting hacking Punk Buster he just siad anyone who can right code can hack it. Or maybe i dont see the problem? LOL
  10. GUMP


    I jsut noticed that a bit of an argument started here between Fozzer and Sandman i beleive. I also think the problem is now over since you both appeared to reconcile. As for GUMPS status. LOL. I know i cant stream for ya and all that but i did donate 20 bucks becuase I care about waht your doing. I hope my accoutn wont be deleted but if it is, please use the money i sent in good health AND LONG LIVE PBBANS (we linked ya on our site) www.rkuprising.com
  11. I have recently received a new version of that s4ndmod i hd been talking about. This mod came with a bunch of extra features as well as better banning. I was wondering if I could e-mail this mod to someone who knows about this stuff and perhaps they could take a look at it and tell me what they think. I am in no rush so if someone will look at it they can take their time in doing so. Thanks and god bless. [email protected] http://www.rkuprising.com
  12. GUMP


    Thank you sir. By the way, havent you ever had a dream sir. A dream you could not do away with. I have a dream sir, a dream that one day 1.0 will be organized and controlled. I have a dream that one day all gaming brothers can look back and say "I was there, i was there when GUMP and other good men stood up to the hackers and cheaters, I was there........I was there." God Bless you PBbans, and God save the rightious.
  13. GUMP


    We do have some people who can change their IP that is true. However the mod we have called S4ndmod has bannig software that works. As for the ones who change their IP we can usually spot them becuase they will have similar numbers each time. In some instances we ban entire IP spectrums. Its not perfect, far from it in fact. But we are doing a good job of keeping the popular servers hacker free. As for joining the new age, with all do respect sir you can blow it out your bum bum.LOL. We love 1.0, we love our community and we love to pursue hackers.
  14. GUMP


    Ya i hear ya man. All i can say is I love 1.0 and we dont' want to leave. We are not alone. As for how we verify that someone is cheating. We make numerious demos of a player and confirm IP address all the time to make sure its all kosher. We then have a group of admins review each demo. This si the est we can do and it has been working prety well. After someone is found to be guilty of either wallhack or aimbot we ban them from servers and send out mass e-mails to all server admins with the demo and player IP. It ain't perfect and yes the men and women who view demos are fallible and can make mistakes. Still its the best we can do and we have so many admins checking demos we basically dont make mistakes at all. As for why i even attempted to join. LOL. Well i guess i jsut wanted to let you guys know the 1.0 community is alive and kicking. I know i cant stream anything to you since PB is a non entitiy on RTCW 1.0. We are those "cavemen" as you put it, out there fighting the good old fight that you men faught before you went to 1.33 and 1.4. We will always be there fighting. As long as the 1.0 Master server is up our group of server admins will continue the fight to bring justice and fair play to the RTCW 1.0 servers. God bless RTCW 1.0 and god bless PBBans.
  15. GUMP


    We are building 1.0 into a real place to find competative paly. We have many clans with many memerbs all over 1.0. The 1.0 community has hosted tournemanets within 1.0 as well as created a "town hall" type of atmosphere where clans can arrange scrimmages and wars. We are really building 1.0 into something. Most of us 1.0ers have played 1.4 and find that its hard to sift through all the junk servers. Not to mention all the un-skilled masses that are on 1.4 since Activision realeased the game in the Platinum pack with the autoupgrade to 1.4 multiplayer. Indeed most people who paly 1.0 have either decided to stay with it or simply have an old copy of the game. We have become so organised on 1.0 sir, that many 1.4 clansmen have come to play on 1.0 becuase of the quality servers and real gamnig community. Heck we even get a few 1.4 clansmen who like to mentor some of the less sckilled 1.0 players. I wont deny that 1.0 lacks PB and all the nifty anit-hack programs 1.4 does. But we have a strong sense of community and we do our best to log IP's of players and keep the servers clean. God bless.
  16. GUMP


    Hello all, I am Gump from the Replacement killers clan. We are a 1.0 RTCW clan. We have finally eliminated the problem of people crashing the 1.0 servers with the help of S4ndmod. We now desire to bring hackers to justice. As I am sure you know PB is not on RTCW 1.0. What can we do to help this? and can our clan and server be of any use to the PB Bans family. We have great resepect for what you are doing here and want to help. Please let me know what I can do as a leader of my clan. http://www.rkuprising.com Thanks, [email protected]
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