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    Clan Macaddict ET Division
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    Enemy Territory
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  1. I wouldn't recommend it if you have auto screenshots enabled. ;)
  2. Just an FYI, this has been tested with Wolfenstein: ET on a Windows 2003 Standard Server SP1 with all recent patches, email going to a UNIX server running Sendmail using the SMTP authentication method.
  3. I cooked up a vbscript that will send an email whenever a screenshot is generated via the pb_sv_getss command. There is a bug with punkbuster (In Wolfenstein: ET anyway) that caused me a bit of a headache, but I have a workaround. First, the files. Attached to this post is a zip archive with a .vbs file and a .bat file. The .vbs file can go anywhere, but the .bat file must go in your /pb directory. Second, you will need to edit the .vbs file in a text editor, and change whatever is relevant to your server's configuration. The file is pretty heavily commented, so it should be easy to figure out. The most complicated parts are the email setup. You will either need an SMTP server running on your game server, or an external SMTP server. The external SMTP server must be configured to accept relayed mail from the IP of the gameserver (the anonymous setting), or must support SMTP authentication. If you have a host that allows Terminal Services access to the server, you can test at this point. If you have a .png file in your /pb/svss directory, open a command prompt (Start -> Run -> cmd) and type the following: cscript c:\path\to\emailss.vbs You should then receive an email with the most recent .png file in the /pb/svss directory attached. Once your testing is done, edit your punkbuster configuration file, and add the following line: PB_SV_SsCmd "xxxemailss.bat" The batch file is named xxxuploadss.bat because of a bug in pb. It will remove the first 3 characters of the batch file when it saves the cvar in memory. You can verify this by checking the log file under pb\svlogs: [06.16.2005 05:44:50] pb_sv_SsCmd = xxxemailss.bat [06.16.2005 05:44:50] Setting pb_sv_sscmd value override [pb\emailss.bat] Once this is done grab a screenshot from a player on the server, and you should get it at the address specified in the .vbs script. This is still a work in progress, eventually I will add the ability for the script to FTP the png file to a server, and possibly attach the pb log file to the email which will make submitting bans to pbbans eaiser. I emailed evenbalance about the bug, hopefully they will fix it. pbssnotifier.zip
  4. Thanks for the replies. I didn't know about shownormals, and after turning that on it's blatently obvious to me that the guy is cheating.
  5. We had someone come into our server a few nights ago that looked like they might be cheating. One of our members managed to get a demo: http://wolf.clanmacaddict.com/media/mc.dm_84 Just looks like camping to me, but the way he was looking down is fishy... He also lied and said he was using a mac to play the game, but from looking at the PB logs he was playing on a PC. I wasn't able to get a pb screenshot, just the demo. The only thing that I saw logged for this user were violations: [06.11.2005 18:25:46] VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) #9003: McSketchy (slot #7) Losing Key Packets [d3d3d9d8adea6dc6c857d8207277f4d2(VALID:18)] [06.12.2005 11:08:34] VIOLATION (COMFAIL) #133: McSketchy (slot #6) No Packet Flow [?(-)] [06.12.2005 12:27:30] VIOLATION (COMFAIL) #131: McSketchy (slot #6) PB Client Not Responding [d3d3d9d8adea6dc6c857d8207277f4d2(?)] [06.13.2005 03:07:15] VIOLATION (IGNORING QUERIES) #9003: McSketchy (slot #9) Losing Key Packets [d3d3d9d8adea6dc6c857d8207277f4d2(?)] Also, is there any way to take advantage of the hardware banning technology that PB uses against people that hack into PB to ban cheaters? It seems trivial for someone to harass a server by regenerating CD keys in ET since it is free.
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