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Everything posted by ClickBouyow

  1. I completely reset IE and I am still having the problems. Firefox does fine. I just started after the latest security update.
  2. It may be IE that is causing it. I seem to be able to get around fine with Firefox.
  3. Is is just me or are others having the same issue? I can't seem to stay logged in. I can't get to the account manager. Whenever I click a link or a forum, I get logged out and have to login again.
  4. It seems that Microsoft Vista and Punkbuster do not get along very well. Fully 25% of my screenshots on my Call of Duty 4 servers are solid black. Even mine. I turned off antialiasing, and now I can get a screenshot from myself. Is Evenbalance even aware of this bug? Are they planning on doing anything about it?
  5. Anyone developed a pbsv.cfg for BF2? I'd like to reserve some team names. Or can I use existing an pbsv.cfg fron another game? I suppose the commands are the same or very similar.
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