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Everything posted by F!ReW!Re

  1. Hmmmmm....so Fozzer your saying that Activision, in making the new CD Key's for SOF2 identical, has introduced this annoying intermittant bandwidth drop as PB ongoingly checks players keys? :huh:
  2. We have many members with exactly the same issue...intermittant connection drop every 20 -30 seconds while playing and after the initial PB update. Started about 30 -45 days ago and we now have members claiming its a PB (or EB) issue with new Nvidia chipsets, :rolleyes: because they have tried all the things Punkrocker did to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated. BTW tried deleting PBNS.dat file....not it.
  3. Thanks Ace! :)
  4. Last week kicked for 2 min. for MD5tool issue, namely maps.pk3. Having been down this road before with no_fog I immediately scanned all drives and found offending file in /maps folder and deleted it. Was 2002 vintage. All drives now clear of maps.pk3. Yesterday kicked again going to a server for a scrim. What is up? is this PB or PBBANS or ? Anybody? :huh:
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