This mouse comes with what they call a triple threat button. It causes the shoot button to be hit 3 times so fast that guns like the M14 & G3 fire a three shot burst without any kick back and the 50 cal has very little kick back.
In my opinion this is a hardware hack and is not in the spirit of fair gaming. You can read about this mouse here:
Here is a comment from the above review:
For example, in Day of Defeat: Source, the rifles and machine guns (that are already automatic so you can just hold down the button) didn't see a benefit with the button. However, the pistols and similar items were MUCH more effective when using the triple threat button to fire as it allows you to get three shots off faster while aiming than you could clicking the mouse separately. Effective, is the nice way of saying it; my friends call it the "cheater mouse" now but it's all about advantages!
Can this be detected and added to the reason's for banning?