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Everything posted by RoninUK

  1. RoninUK


    Cobraderra has posted several informative PB-related stickies on the VUG FEAR Server Operator forum; http://forums.vugames.com/forum.jspa?forumID=187&start=0 That was my ban btw. :) Pity I wasn't a bit quicker at getting it streaming, because I caught someone else a couple of days earlier.
  2. RoninUK

    Banning users

    Yeah, I have that already, thx. I don't like banning by IP, if I can help it, because it can affect ppl sharing a connection. I'll just wait for PB to arrive. :D
  3. RoninUK

    Banning users

    scmd listclients scmd banuser <id>
  4. RoninUK

    Banning users

    I have a bit a of a strange problem with banning users on my Linux FEAR servers. I've asked around on the VUG forum without much luck, and just wondered if anyone here had experienced similar issues. Basically, I can ban users but the bans aren't being saved into banuserlist.txt, like I would expect - they are just being held in memory. This is a problem when I come to restart the game server. In Windows, it automatically creates that file. I've checked that it's not a hidden file, or saved elsewhere in the FEAR directory structure, and the account I use has full rights to that directory, so I'm a little stumped. We will hopefully have PB support soon, so it's not a major problem but I'd like to get it working in the meantime, if possible. Anyone else seen this or got a fix for it?
  5. I'll email you a copy of our's.
  6. You're welcome to a copy of our pbsv.cfg, if that'll help. Get streaming, mate. It's the way to go. :)
  7. And I note that that's our old server IP too. It's a pity the host didn't just leave pb the way it was setup, cos it was already streaming here. :)
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