Ok heres the thing, long long ago I got curious and tried out a couple of hax on like 2 servers (everyone else was hacking too). It was fun for a little while then it got boring because I didnt deserve my high score. I know alot of people say that they were just trying the hacks and what not and that you dont really care about it but I need help. I dont know if I got globally banned or not because I can play on alot of servers but some say "You have been banned by the server admin". All of which I have never hacked on. I got banned from my most favourite server and I didnt even hack on it. I have not touched a hack since that day that I got banned and I never will, please believe me Im not a hacker, Im just a guy who got caught in the crossfire because I wanted to see who was shooting, so to speak. Is there any way that I can appeal this? Or have my ban lifted? I made alot of friends on that server and now because I wanted to see how the stupid hacks worked I probably can never play with them again. Please help me out any way you can, I would appreciate it dearly. My GUID: E183D900
Thank You...
I checked the appeal a ban thing and it says its not in the records so am I globally banned?