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  1. hi sure the msg reads Punkbuster Error: You have been permanently banned from this game server via punkbuster ... GLOBAL Punkbuster HARDWARE BAN 2c510926 note: i have just been playing on a ranked server for 1 hour then got kicked again..
  2. i have just uninstalled the game from my SATA drive and reinstalled it to my IDE.. I joined a server and played for 2 maps, soon as got into a vehicle the above PB global ban message appeared again.. This has got to be a software/hardware problem?
  3. i have never hacked any PB games.. The only other game i have installed is World of Warcraft, so that cannot be the reason.. I do not cheat at all!! I have no cheats/hacks anything on my machine and never will have, just labelling me a cheat is not going to help much. Please only reply if you have some info that will help me.. thnx
  4. Hi, I am having a nightmare... Yesterday i bought and installed BF2, i went to join a server with a friend, after about 2 - 3 mins of play i got booted from the server with the message Global hardware ban - 2c510926 also it said something about being banned from the server.. Everytime i try to join a server the same thing happens.. Why is this happening? I dont have any cheats/hacks/trainers etc at all and i have no disire to ever cheat.. I have posted a ticket on evenbalance and tried in vain to contact EA support.. please help
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