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About GAStone

  • Birthday 05/03/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bucks, England

Clan / Team / League Information (Optional)

  • Name
    Global Army
  • Tag
  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 2
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Yeah that's the e-mail that I'd like the Team Manager to display for me Appologies if I have missed something blatantly obvious! :P
  2. Cheers Btw is there any way to change the e-mail address being displayed on the Team Manager Panel? I have changed the address in my profile but this doesn't seem to have made any difference Ta
  3. Requesting account -|GA|- Global Army Game: CoD2 Streaming: Yes (:28965 and :28900) Ta
  4. -|GA|- CoD:UO Streaming request Should be live and available from now Streaming via HUB has been set up and you can use that if it's easier
  5. Yep this issues has been dealt with so please close this thread if possible Cheers all
  6. Any official word on the matter as I notice that the ban has been removed on our Hub
  7. To clarify: Has this ban indeed been lifted? I am the SA of the server that the ban was issued on
  8. full screen console can be opened by pressing shift plus you console key it works fine for me so unless you have it bound to a wierd key it should be full screen
  9. The output is normal, pretty much exactly what it says in the guide. Well it seems to be working again now, must have just been our server having a bad day :S
  10. But this only started happening today for some reason. And in the setup guid it says to have it on 1 or something bad will happen (ok can't remember exactly what it said) We have 2 servers streaming via the hub, could there have been a mistake or conflict somewhere: 1. 2.
  11. [07.16.2006 22:50:14] PB UCON Session Limit Reached (pb_sv_UsessionLimit=1), packet ignored from [pbbans]. Got this error come up today when we got a ban on our server and the hub tried to send it Just wondering what it is and if it has affected our streaming etc Cheers, Stoney
  12. Photoshopped will not be banned because they are very obvious to spot imo. I highly doubt that any of the admins here will ban the dude if the SS has been edited or altered in anyway So anyway the person should not be banned by anyone in this group with a grain of sense unless perfect proof is given. And we're not Pb either (we're PbBans :D)
  13. lol pbbans.dat IS the PB ban file on your server. It is what holds all of the ban information
  14. So post it in the right section and it might get looked at
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