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About toxin

  • Birthday 11/03/1970

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    True Angels
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    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  1. Yeah it works now, people are saying they can still get over 150 on fps though.
  2. Ok I put pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150 and I did a "pb_sv_cvarempty". When I connect it still says com_maxfps="0" must be outside 0.000001 to 43. Did I miss something?
  3. Ok so my server is set to this right now. No other com_maxfps settings are in the config. pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" OUT 0.000001 43. So what does this mean? What is the max setting on this? Or how do you read it? Also so I need to do this right? Delete that line and add this pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150 and that would kick people above 150 right?
  4. Benway that isnt sof2 is it? FPS in games are different. 333 will help you jump better in SOF2. I just want to set it to a lower setting to prevent jumps and lag issues.
  5. I want people to not be able to have a 333 setting. I think it is a unfair advantage to other players that cant do the special jumps. This is what my server is set to right now. pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" OUT 0.000001 43 So I would leave that setting in there and add pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150 ? What is the OUT and the IN mean? Thank you for your help.
  6. What would be the setting? pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" OUT 0.000001 43 It is in this setting right? What would be the setting for it?
  7. Is there a way to lock my server to a max fps of 150?
  8. Can anyone help me with this issue?
  9. Thanks for the fast reply, but how do we fix it?
  10. One of my clan members was banned. There has to be some mix up with this. He changed to cable internet a few months ago and now is banned. Here is the info on it. PAPASTONED These ips and guids arent even close. This is the guid for the banned 28408be85331757154519b97f53b116d and his is guid from 4/26/2005 till 5/4/2008 is a75b3f2044875421fb91e688e2385e6c. How are these connected? Could you please explain this for me. Thank you TOXIN
  11. Since we are streaming is it suppose to catch people like this? Or this? And This? Also how do I ban these guys with yall? Do I just do the pb_banguid? Will that upload to your list? Thank You
  12. I have a site that was given to me that has hacks galore on it that pb cannot pick up. Is there an admin that I can point to this site so you can look at the hacks to see if we can do something about them? Thank you.
  13. I would like to have a new team account created. IP: Clan Tag: :']['@: Clan: True Angels Game: SOF2 Thanks you.
  14. Hub game SOF 2 clan tag :']['@:
  15. Ok Murderur got me set up today. Thanks alot guys.
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