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  1. foxdie did. He said it was a leaked cdkey and there was a cvar of an aimbot in there lol.
  2. Alright thanks, I'll have to talk to the admins of the servers that I'm banned from.. Hey and theres no cvar of an aimbot on there? =/
  3. Rotten do you know if that was appealed tho?
  4. Well can someone tell me if this was appealled? I thought it was : 1a2786a72124ee593c4d96dd97d30a66 And the reason I'm getting banned is Prior Kick/Ban but don't remember getting banned from 5 other servers. Also I thought PBBANS did not ban for 3rdperson mods?
  5. Hi, I got banned about a year ago because of someone using a 3rd hack on my cdkey, and I got it appealed( I thought I got it appealed ) but I'm still getting banned from servers that STREAM to pbbans.com, can someone tell me why I'm only getting banned from servers that stream? And what Prior Kick/ban means. (I thought it meant banned my a admin in the server but I'm banned from like 5 other servers..)
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