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Everything posted by posiedon
Uh....What are you trying to say? Is this H8Korrupt someone you saw cheating and you are reporting them? I didn't waste $10.00. I got a new CDKey and now everything is fine. If you want to see my sorry ass stats. My account name is |*|D.n.C|*|Posiedon. I don't get to play alot, Thats why they suck soo bad. I hate TK'ers too. Just make them die without getting the TK for it.
Just do what I did and spend another $10.00 It's not worth the hassle of trying to get someone to help you. I'm not saying there aren't people here who could help, but If you want to get back to playing in a hurry, send EA the money and get a new CDKey. It seems that GOD has to come and take Evenbalance back in time and let them see that you weren't cheating for them to consider unbanning you. It's just not worth the agrivation. Just follow my previous post on how to get a new key. See ya on the Battlefield.
Well I got tired of waiting for Evenbalance to do anything. I'm not knocking them, I 'm sure they get people every minute complaining about false bans. If anyone else has the problems I did, instead of buying a new game, send a $10.00 money order to Electronic Arts Customer Warranty, 209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, Redwood City, CA 94065. Be sure to include the proof of purchase page from your manual. They will send you a new CDKey in about 2 weeks. With this you can resume playing with your former account intact. This will only work if you have a GUID ban, not a hardware ban. Thank you to all who tried to help with my situation. I'm outta here!!!
I have recieved another response from Evenbalance asking If I had ever been kicked by PB. This was my responce to Stuart Dunsmore: I do remember getting a kick when I first got the game. I believe it was for trying to update punkbuster. I went to the Punkbuster site and followed the directions to update manualy. Due to my slow video card I get alot of freeze ups and sometimes the game shuts down completely and goes back to my desktop. Is this also considered a kick? I had a conversation with an admin on PBBans.com today. His name was RodeoBob. I believe another Evenbalance admin, Wouter Tromp(he answered my first Trouble ticket), is also a member of this site. I was talking to Bob about the program I installed when I first got the game. It was labled as a graphic booster for BF2. I sent him the link to this program but it is a dead link. It was: www.filedump.com/BF2/downloads/graphx/lores.dll I'm sure the conversation is logged. You could ask Bob for it. As I said before I have a crappy video card. I had problems with BFV, lots of lag. So I was trying anything to stop the lag in the more graphics intense BF2. That is why I almost always play on EA US OFFICIAL East Coast Servers. I get the best performance on them. I am also on the east coast. And as funny as it ISN'T, I also thought they were best place to stay away from cheaters. I belong to a group of guys(|*|D.n.C|*|) who are not young punks. We are mainly older gentlemen who have familys and enjoy getting together to play online. We have NEVER been accused of cheating. I have been with them since March of 2004. We all started playing LOS Vietnam. We hated playing LOS because there were so many people cheating and we couldn't get any support from the game makers. They just stopped responding to E-mails. It made all of us despise anyone who tries to ruin our experience. Then BFV came and we converted. Now we are all commited BF2. And I know NONE of us has ever had a ban for cheating. We did report many cheats during BFV CAL LEAGUE play. The only reason I am telling you this is that I have a group of very credible guys who would be willing to back me 100% on this issue. I know BF2 is just a game, but it is break from the pressure of the real world. As is most games where you assume an alternate identity. If this was any other game I have I would just toss it in the trash and go on with a new game. But like I said, |*|D.n.C|*| is a family and I just want to get back home and play with my brothers in our backyard. Not someone else's that isn't protected from the people that we hate most. I also don't want to loose what I've worked so hard for in my BF2 account. As I said I don't get to play much. And it has taken me a while to earn the medals and points that I have. I work with criminals every day who say they are not guilty and now I'm in their shoes, but telling the truth. Thank You for your time! |*|D.n.C|*|Posiedon D Kipple PA Correction Officer SCI- Coal Township
If you want to talk easier about this IM me on MSN Instant messanger.
Thank for the response RodeoBob. Here is the link for the file. I found it in my history. But I went to the site and the link doesn't work anymore. But you may be able to find the same file somewhere else. http://www.filedump.com/BF2/dowloads/graphx/lores.dll Thanks again for your help.
I have just received this update on my "trouble ticket" I submitted to Evenbalance. 08/29/2005 10:14:08 - "Wouter Tromp" Note #2: The GUID you supplied was logged using a cheat that tried to prevent detection by PB. The method used is considered by us to interfere with the way PB is designed to work, therefore violating our EULA. If you were not cheating, then someone was either using your computer or your CD key and was caught. Either way, your GUID was used to try to hack on PB servers and it is now permanently banned. You may still play on non-PB servers as our bans only apply to servers with PunkBuster enabled. This still doesn't tell me what happened. I want to know WHO, WHERE, WHEN and HOW?!!! If my machine was logged using a cheat, I want to know what program caused the red flag. If someone else was using my key, I want to know his ip. I don't have lots of money to go buy new games when someone screws with me! Two kids, mortgage etc. Maybe some of you can relate. all I want to know is how to get things back to normal?
Wow guys, thanks for the responses. I really do appreciate you guy's helping me. As for your question Stymie. The entire Error message is: PUNKBUSTER ERROR: You have been disconnected by Punkbuster. The reason follows in English PUNKBUSTER ERROR MESSAGE: You have been permanently banned from this game server via Punkbuster...Global Punkbuster GUID BAN e89afde8. Yes this happens on every Server with PB running. As for the speed enhancement programs I downloaded, as I said I got rid of them when they didn't work. I believe one of them was called "BF2 Graphics Booster". I have a FX5200 Video card. It is not very good. That is the reason I tried this Program. All it did was screw up my graphics in game. I couldn't play and it made it lag more. I know there were two more I tried but they were when the game first came out and I deleted them when they didn't work. I knew I would be having performance problems from my experience with BFV. The one I mentioned above was the most recent, probably a month ago. I did a google search for "BF2 game speed increase" and found it. As for your post DentalX. I bought the game on release day at EB. I have the original PCDVD version. I also registered it with EA Games as soon as I got it. Thank You Again for all the help!
Yes I have, and thanks for the reply. As I said before I have not shared my key with anyone. In doing research on my problem I have found mention of CD Key Generators generating a key that is being used by a legit player. I can prove that I am the original owner of this game. If someone used my legit key THEY should be banned, not me. I have never seen one of the key generators but I understand they generate a fake key for games. If only legit keys can make a game work, then the keys that the generator is making must also be being used by the person who bought the game with that key assigned. Am I correct? If I am, why are game makers still using the CD key method of protecting games? This is my first experience with something of this nature. I am just frustrated that me, Joe Shmoe, has to go through this so that that some jerk can beat the system. Sorry about that, thanks again for your reply.
Hello, I'm hoping someone here can help me figure something out. I was playing BF2 yesterday on a ranked server. This was my first time on the server. I had been playing for about 20 mins. I went upstairs to talk to my wife and when I came back to my game, 10mins later, I had been kicked. I had a message that read Punkbuster Global GUID Ban e89afde8. You have been permanently banned from this server. Something like that. I then tried a bunch of different things, ie: update PB, Restart Computer, Restore to previous date, Enter another server. Nothing?! I was not running anything in the background while I was playing ie: Anti Virus, MSN Mes., Firewall, etc. I have a slow computer so I need to close everything so I do not lag. I have tried downloading programs that claim they will speed up BF2, but none seem to work. I know I shouldn't run without virus and firewall protection, but my game experience sucks if I don't. I am not a young diehard gamer, I only play when my wife, kids, job, allows me. For this I am wondering if I am missing something that I have overlooked. I would like to also mention that I am the original owner of this game and have never posted or showed my cdkey to anyone. On the advice of a friend I checked this sites ban list, still nothing. That is the reason I'm here. I have e-mailed Evenbalance and am awaiting reply. Any suggestions?