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Everything posted by TdePsycic

  1. thank you
  2. i think tis guy dus not understand that people pay lots of money te provide them with free servers to play on so then obay there rules and the rules made by others such as no hacking or cheating if i was a EB developer i would find out a way that you could not even come on internet i hate cheaters and no ban is to great for them its your own foult that you did this and you should be glad that there are people like us banning punks. if you were a good and fair player you would love us so dont whine and feel the punishment for your actions
  3. thank you may copy it if you like or did you already you sneaky lol eiter way np mate
  4. here is a nother one that has jut been caught on oure servers so you see there are different types
  5. i filled in the form server is streaming but still not a higher status and i want to become a game admin to to help in the fight agains cheaters
  6. thats the prob off letting other people play with youre cd and serial key so tip for next time dont ever give somebody youre cd's ( or serial ) dont ever let your brother play with youre new copy of the game ( if you buy one again )
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