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Everything posted by chipofrito

  1. okay man well i tried almost everything now thats simple like reinstalling and installing with an copy paste thing in some other forum tried reinstalling and installing without anti virus or firewall on nothing gonna update my driver chek again how did u do that with 454 characters? im noobie :lol: on pc's dont know anything about coding
  2. i did that and a lot of other things i tried i uninstalled and reinstalled like 6 times now still get the same thing but now i deleted my profile. tried to retrieve it but cant find it
  3. hey maydax i did what u said re enter my cdkey but i still got the same msg
  4. :rockon: funny movie
  5. well yesterday i installed my new patch 1.03 i played for two hours yesterday. today i logged in unlocked my guns because of the patch. then i wanted to connect to server got a msg: my cd-key is not valid is this a :ban2: anyone know what is happening its frustrating me? ::::any reply would be tnkfull ;):::
  6. :unsure: hmm well i was wondering for a friend of mine who got a guid ban today anyone know if he uses a new cd key with same acount where he got banned from is there a chance he will get banned again not using cheat or anything???? some reply would be appreciated
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