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    Warriors Of Time
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  1. I have a thumb button on my mouse witch activates my shotty. It's simply done in the setup screen on SOF2. As far as "FAST" shooters go, it's mostly so that the opponent hit his Shotty key long before you notice anything. Then, it appears to you that you got shot with the shotty while they still are changing weapons. Mostly happens when there is a slower connection, higher ping difference between you 2. Or the server is far away. Sometimes it's the server wich is not configured al too well. I sometimes get shot while the opponent is reloading. Weird, but not unusual. You can read up on it. There are manny articles on the net about it. my 2 cents have fun. Are you saying that when the weapon is not drawn, there is no timeloss for showing the cocking ? Therefore you shoot faster? Sounds weird, but plausible. Personally i do not like playing without my weapon showing.
  2. HEY !! I'll be damned. I have searched in the wrong manner. I have a file in the \PB dir called: \PB\pbcl.cfg Guess what lines were there ? pb_LogToFile 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] (This is part of AliasFinder) pb_SsLog 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)] pb_SsSave 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_SsOptions 640 480 50 50 1 //- Set local PB screenshot options pb_load pbcllog.cfg //load remote logging settings (if pbcllog.cfg exists) Normally, this would be the first file i would check....... dumb of me. Well, i did get a good answer right away. Just did not recognise it. Thanks all for the help. Trip
  3. Thank you for replying. No, i do not run any kind of server myself. Never done either. I am just a regular player, visiting a couple favorite servers. PB_SS(SAVE) does not appear in any tekst file or logfile in my SOF2 dirs. Which config do i need to look into?? It's not in my sof2mp.cfg folder either....... But when i looked further i saw a \pb\pbsslog.htm file. And in there i saw a whole BUNCH of these lines: 0901 (Not Saved) pb000465.png [20:45:28] MD5=F530613XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX129 xxxxxxxxxx:20100 ^3xxxxx INF RD scrnshot\0908_000.png pb000136.png [14:57:37] MD5=29032BXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAFC 67.xxxxxxxx:20100 ^3xxxxx INF RD scrnshot\0908_001.png pb000150.png [15:01:21] MD5=0281XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX2 67.xxxxxxxx:20100 ^3xxxxx INF RD scrnshot\0908_002.png pb000169.png [15:05:40] MD5=EFDXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX25 67.xxxxxxxx:20100 ^3xxxx INF RD I X'd out the Guidnr's (i think) and the servers name and adress. You'll never know what some ppl may make out of it. Not relevant either. Maybe as an addtional info, i do run AliasFinder in the background. Once in a while i press the `\pb_plist button to gather aliasses. But, i do not think this has anything to do with it. I think it would be very cool to have any PB_SS saved to my hard drive. It'll stroke my ego like crazy. ha ha ha. Thats becouse i'm a moderate player with sometimes a lucky streak. Thanks again for your thoughts. It's much appreciated. Trip
  4. Hi, I have a question on something weird. When going through my SOF2 files and directories i found some RCON PBSS in my \PB\scrnshot dir. There were 34 of .htm and .png ss listed there. They looked exactly like the ss shown here on your site. Execpt of course, in these ss there where no cheats to see of course. Is it not strange that i get them on my drive? i was visiting one of my regular playing servers. Nopt even as a member. Just visiting. I wonder what you can tell about that. (I do feel flattered that someone thought i was that good. lol.) thanks, trip
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