Game ET
Clan {TibeT}
Game ET
Clan {TibeT}
Game ET
Clan {TibeT}
Game ET
Clan {TibeT}
Game ET
Clan {TibeT}
I dont really know whats going on here ,clash of personalitys?
~>GFP<~Murderur Helped me set up our server to stream here .It took us quite a while on Teamspeak and MSN but im greatful he took the time to talk me through it
I think I know the server they run ET Pub with Omni-bot .You might want to check the logs and see who was changing them names ...it maybe one of you own guys playing a joke
What MOd are you running? .Are you sure it isnt someone with admin chaning the name with shrubbot commands ? or have you accidently given people power to do this ?
PB_SV_PLIST will give you the connected players info
PS gwet your buddy to steam his server here if you want to catch cheats .PB is a great toll but streaming to pbbans will catch all the latest cheats
What version of ET are you running ? If you havent already I would urge you to upgrade to 2.60b this is probably how they got your rcon PW
There is some info here about it
Click here
Ok thats Etpub running Whaleclient .That server is running without XP save but you can adjust that in the server cfg for 24 hrs
If you want me to do you a server Cfg with all that in pm on our msg board (http://tibetclan.proboards22.com/).Then hopefully we can get you streaming to pbbans :D