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  1. you banned him because you thought he was cheating. that much is shown in the video. I fail to see how he was cheating.
  2. Scratch that FoxDie has sorted it for me now, thanks m8
  3. Sup all trying to apply for streaming for our server, someone had already done this and then got kicked out of the clan for cheating of all things. Now I am trying to apply for streaming for our servers and it keeps telling me that The following errors were found The clan tag you entered is allready in use Our clan tag is -=([A])=- Clan is -=([ALIENZ])=- Server is I have tried irc but noone seems to be on. and it tells me i havent permission to post anywhere but here. Some please help thanks
  4. Just a point but if streaming was on the server then Dingalong wouldnt have been able to play on the server the other night, it seems that pbbans have already caught him and he has been banned http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=51887
  5. Lol still alive you old dog you, look after these guys blatent aimbot on their server taking the mick. Hope everyone is ok and love to you all Peace @wqqdy stick at it takes a few days for the server to settle down but after that you'll be suprised how many try to connect and wont be allowed due to hacking hope everything works out for you and if Im on I'll try to help as much as possible. You can always speak to Fozzer about getting a Jolt server, they rock :)
  6. kill bill eh - who'd have thought :(
  7. Lmao @ fozzer yes m8 im still about :) Thanks for everyones help I got it going in the end :) I will come and have a chat soon Foz as with regards to the Raistbox m8 I dunno if yourve spoke ot him recently but our uber may be coming to an end :( So ill have a chat with the relavent clans and come and have a chat see if you can do us a good deal ;)
  8. I think that the first post u made answers your questions, the cheater had three cd keys. Pb can ban a key but cant stop people using another key, as with anything there are ways around it and some people do have the knowledge on how to do this, its unfortunate but a fact of life. Yet with non pb enabled games cheating is rampant through out the game and the game dies quite quickly. yet punkbuster does stem the flow of cheaters and has sucess in trying to provide us with a longer shelf life in games Stop and think your having a winge about cheaters yet punkbuster is the only safeguard that we have from them. A Cheater is a bit like a virus u have anti virus scanners but there are new viruses every day. You dont post of to symantec and complain about the amount of viruses that are out there and what are they doing to stop people writing them..............or maybe you are the type of person that does :rolleyes: so stop having a go about things which are out of your control, start helping peeps like pb achieve their aims and remember that sites like this one are here to help us not to hinder but untlimately a cheater is like a virus, until someone writes a game that is hack proof there will always be cheaters....so if u really wanna have a pop at people go attack the game companies for not providing secure code then go have a go at the cheat communities that exploit them and start helping peeps like this site instead of attacking them and slagging them off....maybe then you will also be doing your bit to make our communities hack free like the rest of us :D
  9. Lo Fozz :) Hope everyone is well and good, I was after some advice, I would like to place the md5 tool on our server the 1.3 one on the raistbox and wanted to know how to go about it, thought i may put it on there and suprise a few peeps :P :lol:
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