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    Pit Bulls
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    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  1. 1st. its been appealed 5-6 DAYS NOW, mr willy! thats why I asked why does it take 4-5 days FOR SOME ACTION??? 2nd. i will be un- streaming my server from pbbans site. because they ban people FOR NO REASON! 3rd. ALSO MOST HACKERS ARE CAUGHT FROM ADMINS LIKE ME TAKING AND SUMMITING PB SS NOT CVAR CHECKS. 4th. who thought 'it was me' try harder "know it all" I have caught more hackers than you have brain cells:) yawn
  2. one of my clan m8s typed in the consolo, /model 6 and then was added to the Master Ban Index (MBI).. Simple mistake but why does it take so long to be removed from the Master Ban Index (MBI)? Any admin from here can try this.. Infact typing model 6 does NOTHING from what i see but add you to a banlist. This is no hack and needs to be corrected! ASAP also I need to know who is in charge of appealing? Why does it take so long to be removed? 4-5 days? ty
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