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it came out 2 days ago :(
How can i take pb screenshot of suspected hackers?
shiftymoves replied to synoz's topic in Battlefield 2
Well, You can always go here and search his name :rolleyes: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php If you do find him, then you can report him to EACS. He will be reset after EACS investigates http://support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/php/e...p?p_faqid=11549 PLZ Note: They are two different entities. One has nothing to do with the other -
Just a quick post to say h3llo to everyone :rolleyes: . I haven't been her for a while. Looks like you guys have made a lot of changes..Looks REAL g00d...I have made some changes myself
I'm sorry if you feel my fact finding mission is spam! What I truly find amazing is you fail to bring into light, the second post. I might add from the Technical Director! It is that very SAME misconception. That cheaters are using PunkBuster to hide under. Please no need to flame. Is it or is not a fact the same person has been multiple times caught cheating? http://bf2s.com/player/43693258/ So far you have tried to discredit me. You have tried to make me look stupid. You have tried to spin this and make it MY fault. Last but not least you are now flaming me. However every time you FAILED to answer the above question!!!
I understand fine. That all the above mentioned use's the same set of TOOLS. MD5 hash to protect the users CD/KEY. It wont matter if its PPbans, PunksBusted, or evenblance...OK let see if we can get through this and remain civil to each other. Were do you think I got this information? http://www.punksbusted.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18685 What do you think? Did you even LOOK at MLB or Master Ban Index (MBI). No you didn't. Instead you spend time trying to discredit me. Ok here come another link. Please read the threads http://www.bf2rankedservers.com/forums/sho...ght=punk+buster I might point out the fact that this was dated 2/23/06. Maybe if you had spent a little more time you might have found my account. The one in your post is fake. Ohh that is your point right. I understand you TRYING to put the spin on things, hoping all the time I go away. I don't blame you really.Ok here is my account! http://bf2tracker.com/bf2_userprofile.php?bf2id=45971433 I have since join a clan.One whos clantags are to long for the prefix. I might add that in joining my clan. It is mandotory you start a new account. I good practice I might add. Please feel free to post MY IP. Also it will remain in effect until the DHCP lease is renewed. For the record I dont use antivirus. I need every advantage I can get without CHEATING
Well it's eight days later, still yous guys have yet to respond. The biggest problem I have. Is that there are so many unique identifiers in bf2, That if I were cheating would just scare me. Fact is those identifiers are not being used. Instead of leading the way. PunkBuster chooses to continue to try to use the same o same o. I have offered proof beyound the shadow of doubt. CD/KEYS are spoofed. The same cheaters, are growing in numbers. They are distroying the multiplayer gaming industry http://forum.eagames.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=19356 read this. I'm not the only ony one who feels this way. It is PunkBuster claim they scatter cheaters like roaches. In fact PunkBuster is offering cheaters a place to hide. By you own admission. You cant EVEN stop the 11 people on YOUR Global Hardware Ban list. :lol: Take a good look at PunkSBusted Master Ban Index (MBI). You can find some of the same names, banned over and over again. WHY. Your way is not working, in fact it is making it worse. With false claims. Read the above statment! Thund3rB0lt" "" Screenshot [PsB:4296 S04E88AD8] 4c7cef508c9dded5f5ad603a415cf3e9 Last Play date today. Look it up http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=b...tor&btnG=Search 137,000 hits... Maybe it is time to ask the question at what point. Does a company fall neglegent to their CopyWrite status, because of false claims?
\ There are only 11 cheaters on that list. It seems obvious there is no follow up. Or they wouldn't still be playing, on the same account! Why has this NOT been implemented in BF2? It would give the common player,the power to stop bf2 cheating once and for all. The pic. Sorry it didn't turn out so good. You know what I mean? Right. None of the players no when a cheater has been, caught, kicked. and for what reason...
What does the server admin have to do to update? As a player how can I tell. Help me to understand. A "ranked server" admin has to update pb.cfg manually. So instead to conform to pb they just stream. So that stops md/5 tool from finding repete offenders? With out cvar.cfg cheater are able to use cheats, like speed/amibot, nofog, color cheat,wallhack. Server admin don't know? When you say no access to files for ranked servers. Why? What makes it a pain for the admins? OK lets see. public server no score is add in bfhq Ranked server score is add in bfhq. How bout public ranked server?
What does Pb do? Here is the question. A cheater that has been caught on steraming PB enableed server. Can still continue play and cheat WHY? I might add I'm refering to BF2. Just one cheater. this guy has been caught on PunksBusted streaming server 3 times. With 3 different CDKEYS. He is playing on a punkbuster ranked server, as I write this http://www.bf2rankedservers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3884. Note: there is an example of a cheater. That has a Global Hardware Ban. That was playing BF2 on a ranked server. on 2/17/06 http://bf2tracker.com/bf2_userprofile.php?bf2id=44776714 How can this be? :angry: Lets do some math! PunksBusted streams to thier servers only. 1631 servers. In 1 month 1618 cheaters caught. With pb tools. Fact is Psb is catching alot of bf2 cheaters with only a handfull of servers. Some of the cheaters more than once.Hmmm This is only a small scale of whats going on. There is a large part of the BF2 ranked community that is cheating. To many times have I suffered at the expence of someone who is cheating the game. IE 1 shot tank/Apc, kills. Shots that I have no idea were they come from. If you don't play random public bf2 servers. You are not in a position to answer :D
Thats not what I mean...from just a players perspective only... In call of duty...drop the console down then type bind p pb_getss. So that ever time you hit (p) key it takes pb screen shot. The console commands are diffrent in bf2 I can't seem to get this to work. I use the print screen function, to bf2 doc file. Also fraps
Anyone know how to bind a key to pb_getss......EX (key is P) p=pb_getss. I read the bf2 pb user maual! Thanx shifty
<_< Look at this tell me what you think... http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=11/33015271491.png&s=x12 http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=11/33015290262.jpg&s=x12 This plane is hitting the deck....Look at his stats PID # 44847337 (TMC)Gonzo Armor,Kills = 3239 Deaths,= 368 Aviator.Kills = 6471 Deaths = 866\ Cant kill him...I have more pics server id ect.
POSIDEN: BF2 account name: H8Korrupt . This person was admin of east coast servers. Threaten to kill a 13 year old girl on voip durring a game. screenshots of him tk ing. preventing them from the jet. LOST all admin rights. I used a fx5200 with little to no problems. Check his stats KOWN stats padder!!! REMEMBER H8Korrupt I told ya ... If a person will LIE they will also CHEAT and STEAL! I'll bet you just wasted $10.00 ! Read his post here www.eauk.com
Hi. New here first post! After having looked at the major top hackers fourm. There moto is dont hate the game hate us! I play BF2 alot! I have a life. Al so have reason's for playing so much. I just laugh out loud when I read some of the plz plz post here. HA HA HA cheater you will never WIN. To all cheaters: It dosen't matter whether WIN or LOSE. Its how you play the game... So plz plz plz all you want. Your little brother didn't do it. We all know it was your friend! Buy a new computer Cheating in BF2 is rampant! The fact is cheating may make you mad. When that happens you lose focus. Stay calm! Trying all the time to keep your squad on the objective. Tactics will beat all the cheats out there! I say let em cheat. Ask yourself this! Are you or are you not the better person. You can always come here. Get a good laugh, feel better about your self. Know this. A person who will. CHEAT also will LIE and STEAL. That is just the way it is!