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About straydog

  • Birthday 01/07/1972

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  • Name
    storm krewsaders
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  • Game Played
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein
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  1. Hi, I'd be grateful if you could check my server status from your side. Visting pbbans.com today, I see there is no green streaming admin star logo by my name on the forums. Running a check, I get no result listed for my server in the MSI Rep List or the MSI Hub List. Not sure what else I can do from my side. I know my server rental company recently physically moved their servers to a different location, but the server IP and details haven't changed. Thanks. :) I did rcon pb_sv_uconlist on server and all looks correct.
  2. Hehe totally sweet system. :woot: I realize this area is reserved more for technical side setting up, but I can't resist posting. For some reason I had doubts of Hub working on my server, but have just seen theres been another catch today at Barrysplanet IWG server for RTCW, and sure enough the is also all the details have been auto added to my servers pbbans.dat. Love it ! Well done PBBans for getting all this Hub system implemented.
  3. Thank you foxdie. :)
  4. Bump... The MSI says the server is streaming via Rep, but is not yet reported as being found in the MSI Hub List. Would appreciate if Fozzer, Foxdie or (DeZ)MaydaX could perhaps take another look and hook up Hub access for this server if possible. No rush, but I followed the instructions some time ago, and am now wondering if a tech issue is preventing you configuring Hub access for this server.
  5. Topic Title: Server IP: Server Port : 27973 Game : RtCW (Return to Castle Wolfenstein) Clan Tag : storm Co-Admin : N|A Thanks to foxdie + (DeZ)MaydaX + fozzer for explanations/help on how to set pbucon facilty up + all those involved getting getting it incorporated at PBBans.
  6. That's a pretty cool map info site AcE :) I've just been checking it out, learned a couple of new things, and will be back when i'm trying to incorporate some of it in to my trickjump map which is half-built. There are quite a few good mapping websites, but it seems you get some gems of good info from each one rather than there being one complete source. modsonline is definately a good mapping info site, so with that already mentioned, and in no particular order, I like: Surface map-center Splash Damage Tram Design Jolt Mapping forums (no longer a fully active mapping forum but some good info still in there) Map-Craft - nice helpful ppl and some very good tutorials which are helping me get my map in to shape Good luck with it. :)
  7. I can already see the eye-catching subtitle that the Star or Sun would use.. "The Dirty Dutch". :P Seriously though, interesting data. Btw I'm in no way anti-NL. Many of my best gaming friends are NL and are fully clean and honest. :) Good work.
  8. Pretty fascinating data tbh. B) Who'd have thought such a small country as The Netherlands would be the country in Europe with the highest number of cheaters caught in the most popular first person shooters. With a bit of polish and the right spin, to explain external programs like aimbots and wallhacks which cheaters use to attempt to bypass the games anti-cheat mechanisms to try and get advantage against the skilled honest players, I reckon theres a press article here for one of the dailys news rags like The Sun* or The Star*, with mention of this site / anti-cheat organisation, and perhaps even a few quid. Seems to me the kind of interesting little info piece they go for to fill a small column on page 8 or 9. Just a thought. (*Both UK newspapers with daily circulation of approx 4 million)
  9. Thanks for the access permissions. I've been slowly reading my way through the forum, taking in the good advice here on ways to improve and tighten up anti-cheat administration of our server. Made one useful improvement already by increasing the pb_sv_LogCeiling up from 1000, and same for the pb_sv_SsCeiling up from 1000.
  10. Its ok... think I've got it... Tiger's pbsv has Automatic Screenshot Capturing switched on default "off" setting. PB_SV_AUTOSS setting to 1
  11. Edit: Think I've solved this - was just a very basic setting I'd overlooked. Hi Our RtCW server is not currently taking remote screenshots in to the svss folder. I'd really appreciate an experienced admin could glance over our pbsv to maybe find something we're overlooking for this screenshot issue. :) There used to be screenshots of player action our two admins could access/review/check in this directory via FTP on our server... /wolf/pb/svss However our server went through a period of instability on OSP 0.9, with frequent crashes, so I changed all the server configs to those created by Tiger of Warleagues, including his pbsv. Since then our server has been very stable with OSP 0.9 - except for the fact it no longer takes screenshots of action in to the svss folder. I've uploaded our pbsv as a txt file to our webspace instead of posting it all here. pbsv = http://www.stormkrewsaders.com/pbsv_help.txt pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved] I've current left this field empty, but maybe it needs to be told directly where to save screenshots ? We've already tried having "wolf/pb/svss" in this field for a few days, yet still no screenshots appear in the svss folder, even though players have been active on server.
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