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  1. what do you wonder? A sale is a sale kiddo ;) copyright is when you copy something and/or sell it to another person without consent of the maker. I have the original cd :)
  2. game was already installed
  3. are you illiterate? I'm not the one that got caught. I see your forum has only one track, so I'm not getting any help here. thanks all for your time. god bless ;)
  4. the reason why evenbalance gives hardware bans is because they are powerless against hacks. unfortunately I have been had :angry: I didnt agree to have my hardware banned. By the way you are mising the bus on my point joung jedi, I said that it should be against the law to have people suffer for someone else's mistakes :P AND to let PB sniff around my pc looking for serials and hashing them for their own database. Thats what they will be charged with ;) you getting the picture now? things have just gotten a little too far now. hey, you cant win em all
  5. Bottom line remains that evenbalance will probably lose this case. As long as I have my hardware unbanned soon. This is not about money anymore but about principle ;) I agreed to the license yes, but did not agree to have my computer spoofed by evenbalance in the past by another user.
  6. well now you're short of words..lol I gues I am right :D to LICENSEE. I am not the licensee amigo :P I never agreed to any license. Thats my whole point. This is gonna be cool to see, evenbalance having to lift hardware bans LOL :D
  7. I am not a lawyer so I can't say. But I know that a website that I got to very often has members who have the same problem. They are gathering resources to bring this issue up and file a complaint against evenbalance.com. According to them they are unlawfully using serials etc. and not pinning the serials to a certain person. this is where the gray area lies. this complaint in my opinion will lead to jurisprudence tha t will not allow hardware bans for any hardware in the future because it is impossible to pin it to one particular person. Well, the pc is NOT broken. Even if my pc were a car and had been used in a crime the car (pc) still is technically capable of driving. The car will be returned to its rightful owner afterwards and and should be able to participate in traffic once again! You cannot undo the engine! It's even impossibel to do that! I definitely have a good point here and I know that evenbalance is breaking certain laws here only I will wait the outcome of the soon to be filed complaint against evenbalance and then we will see who is punking who ;) I feel I have been robbed... thanks all for your time and god bless...
  8. this pc was not stolen, but legally BOUGHT. Face it guys I have a good point here and there is not even anyone here that can prove to me I'm wrong. I contacted evenbalance but they locked my ticket and refused to answer me: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/u...sage=new_ticket They cant handle the truth. I am planning on getting legal advice on this issue because I strongly feel my rights as a lawful owner of a pc are being broken. I have never agreed to any license what so ever. I know I am right and there isn't anything anyone dare to say about it, even Evenbalance! They're busted! Plain and simple.
  9. what kind of crud is this? This is not legal! You cannot ban property because of something someone else did! You are wrong! I did not ever use any cheats against you guys! I have the proof that I bought this hardware fairly! What is your official answer/statement on this question sir? Are you legally allowed to ban hardware that has been sold and been bought by a person who has not used this hardware for cheating? Also I would like to know what right evenbalance has gathering hardware information from people's computers such as hardware serial numbers etc. I know that by law it is illegal to collect and to use such information to incriminate people on the basis of such information. It is also most certainly illegal to incriminate another person for the deeds of another -and- who has been fully unaware of acts committed by another person than himself. I therefore request an unbannishment on all of my hardware. Please also an official answer on this! Thanks! :)
  10. Hello everyone, I recently bought a pc off the internet with a couple of games including Battlefield 2, Battlefield Vietnam and Battlefield 1942. All of these games seem to have a hardware ban on them. What do I have to do to unban my new hardware? Did this guy just trick me? I cant get my money back I think :-( Anyone know what I should do? Thanks!
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