Hi Staff
I was just activated earlier today.I setup the hub exactly as it is stated,I went throught stream fix.reinstalled several times .I installed pbsv.cfg file from your site and still no go.Server machine running vista 32,If run the command prompt I can ping websites ,punksbusted and so forth.but when I ping rep.pbbans.com i get a timeout session and none of the packets are returned.I have done this from 2 other locations one close to me and the other from new zealand .So i don't think it is from my end but don't know for sure.I am not sure that helps youor not but could you let me know the next step
in trying to get my server to stream.Not sure how long it takes to start to stream but I know with punksbusted it takes about 24 hrs.
Thank you for your time.
SCE_Dalmantus aka Holger