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About switchblade

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    House Of Greif
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  1. But none of them banned me cause i am cool with all of them i play there all the time and i was just playin in there server a couple of days ago and it has happened to a couple of thier own guys also. And it is tactical reefer unit to be exact. And it was a it says punkbuster banned me permanantley
  2. Hey fellas Switch here from HOG|. I have had a couple of problems in the tru server it says permanatly banned but my guide is not in yalls ban list or anything can someone help me with this and explain to me why i am banned from pb on just that server
  3. Its not only me thinkin it he goes 83/15 in 15 min and all of us started talkin to one another about it and nobody knows how to check it. So that is what i am doing. Also there are situations where he is faced away from me but yet he still kills me. I dont know how aimbots work but from what i have heard its kinda like that.
  4. Well its not my server but i dont like playin with hackers in the clan that i am in. I am sure all of you know what i mean. Well i will do some homework on it and i will try to get something out of him and i will get it back here. Thanks again fellas
  5. Sorry about that i didnt even think of it. I know for a fact he has multiple guides but if you put his ip in it comes up and all the names it comes up. HOG|Shylock, Uber, Bubbles the Monkey i have his ip and his whole guide if anyone can help.
  6. Ok i have a player in the clan that seems to be a little too good how would i go about finding out if in deed he does. I go to mpI3 and his guide has been caught but i cant prove it to anyone. If someone could plz help me i would be much appreciated
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