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Everything posted by HarryRag

  1. there was also a no sound (walking) bug, with to high fps in cod2 therefore we forced to keep the fps under the 250 the rate of 125 is also a crazy one, 125 fps constant is/was the best framerate to do your jumps with, and so climbing up to the 333 magicspot. and that is indeed q3 related, on psb some had posted links to threads about how that worked. no cheats, but just how the engine reacted at those rates, nice grafs but also if you can manage 250 constant, that also was one of the best rates in cod2 for aiming, jumping etc, these are just value's the game like to opperate with, read sweetspots. so if your system can do a 125 steady and a max of 160 fps ingame, you'd rather limit your fps to 125 and have a legal benifit, that's just the way it is in the cod series the above 250 fps and no sound of a person walking, that was a bad one
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