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Everything posted by diehardemo

  1. Where would I enter my CD key again? How can it be a hardware ban? Windystickers is my login ID. What can I do to get past this? Was someone using my account somehow? Wow! I talked to a guy in another forum and he found this for me... what the heck is it? I've never seen anything like this!!! http://www.punksbusted.com/cgi-bin/members...FE&query=Search Does someone have my screen name or cd key? Thats not even my IP address I don't think.
  2. I've been playing battlefield for a long time. I went away on a trip for about 10 days and when I came back, I noticed 1.12 was available for BF2. So I downloaded, installed, and started up the game. I tried to connect to a server and I get this message from punkbust that I have been Globally Banned GUID BAN 18a0a5e9. What happened? I tried to get into several servers and the same thing happened. I am not a cheater... I couldn't figure out how to do it even if I tried. Can someone help please? What happened to my account? The GUID is not in the PBBans database. HELP!! Thank you.
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