Ok so the problem is I cant log into any SOF2 server anymore. I got banned a few months to almost a year ago from my favorite server after i typed in somehting in the console. I gave up trying to play then because i couldnt go into any servers, but now i wanna try to play again. I got a new computer and everything buy im still on the bann list. I am being kicked because "unknown guid auth". After ive read a little bit about it on these forums, I think it is because I changed me cvar??? When I first got banned it was right after i typed somehting into the colsole that I think changed the cvar.... I been trying for a long time to get unbanned, I just wanna play. I have never cheated in SOF or any other game I played. I just typed in some thing into the console, I didnt even know what it was supposed to do. I dont know hopw to find my ban on the list to appeal it. Can someone please help me with this, I dont know what else to do here.