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  1. GunZ


    Um I'm not sure what happened, but I just tried to join to get a screenshot, and it let me in. I'm confuzed but happy! thanks for your time and interest in helping resolve my troubles. Thats the tricky part, I'm not the only member we have trouble with. When I get these ban messages, our banlist is empty.
  2. GunZ


    there wasn't a reason, just a small box that popped up back at the game menu that simply said "banned from server"
  3. GunZ


    Game: BFV Clan: L33T Not sure what to do. On our clan server I'm an admin but I'm banned. It happened originaly by accident, another admin was removing me to make room for another member (I was afk). He right clicked me and chose ban with reason instead of kick with reason. That CD key never got in that server again. I bought a new game, an was able to play no problem. Recently we changed severs, so I figured I'd have 2 good keys again. Thats not what happened. Yesterday afternoon I was playing in our new server, then when I tried to rejoin I got a message that "data differs from server" then when I tried to rejoin I was banned. The 2 things I can think of are A: one of our guys imported an old banlist? or B: the new stick of memery I put in my box yesterday made me look like a bad guy? I appretiate any and all advice if anyone can help me.
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