I have a demo that was given to me from the "Samaurai" server. Can it be used to put somebody on the Master Ban Index (MBI)?
His name was "Number33" and his GUID# is "4da8225b". He went 135/15 in a RD server.
AllAmerican--the guy above was in my clan and now is trying to get everyone busted for using the nightvision.pk3 that you can download from SOFFILES. He is trying to get my privledges from PB-Bans revoked so he is posting on every server that we play in. He also states that he lives down the street from Punk-Buster. LMAO. We kicked him out of the clan yesterday for acussing the leaders of |Ds for hacking and he had the nerver to do it in FUCKU's server. So I called him out on it and now he is sending Aphrodite|Ds and I death threats. I even had to take it as far as getting the police involved.
If you need any more info about this guy let me know. And also I've read off the e-mails to FUCKU-REDKILLA so he knows whats going on with this guy. He needs some serious help!
:blink: :blink:
I added you to mine too MRX....Also I have 5 screenshots of Cocky|Ds with the macafee crap making his game look like a wall hack.
Aphro...change your login name so it says our clan name!...lol
You guys might want to check into the "Time Nudge" also...I've been hearing alot about that lately.
Hey DEZ...how long you been in SOF? IF you have been in for a longtime, do you remember 33ZIGGY33? He is my brother and wanted me to say hi to the DEZ clan.