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  1. I for one play CoD2 just about everyday and yes we all know that there are problems with the game and PB, but what you got to remmeber is that all Anti-cheats can and will be bypassed, and some guy's will seek out and use hacks. But what is better? A game with PB or without it? PB will not, and can not detect all hacks(er's), seeing how new hacks are being made all the time. Now what amazes me is how blindly you believe your friend when he saids that "he has no ideal how that file got into his game dir. and he would never use a hack. Yet the fact is he was using a hack. Giving him the benifit of dought, and the file got there without him putting it there. He had to realize that overnight he became awhole lot better at playing CoD 2 then he ever was before. The same goes with the people in you "clan" that play with him regually. Yet him or you server Adims never question why and how he became so good overnight. But then again, he could have took a CoD 2 superman pill before he went to sleep the night before And the kicker in this whole thread is "On your own website, you apologize and reinstate bans on other violations after reviewing them further." hopefully these are not reinstatements for being caught using hacks, and just server rules violations. But if hacks are being reinstated theres the problem, they know that if they get caught all he has to do is say, "I am sorry, kiss someones butt alttile, and he will be reinstated.
  2. KeiserSoze, I have nothing to do with PB in anyway, so my view is not slanted, But what Fozzer is saying is that, there is only one way that your friend got the CoD2 dll file, and that is, he personal or someone using his computer went looking for it, download it to the game files, and was playing with it. But if you stop and think about it, I would almost bet that your "friend" was one of the better player in your clan. Ask him to remove the hack and play a few rounds on your server and see if his scores stay the same, if they do great, but if they don't, you clan should say goodby to him. Either way problem solved.
  3. I have only one video card and what I have found out is that when I turn on SLI it will lower my ping. We have 6 servers 5 in New York and 1 in London, Eng. Playing on the London server my ping is around 175 but by turning SLI on it drops about 30-40 points. On a NY server it only drops it about 10 points. But the way SLI works even with it on and only one card all of the information is still going thought that one card.
  4. I think he did post it in the wrong section. Cuase that is the UO or CoD version of Harbor Map. You can tell by the textures. But a Wallhack is a wallhack in CoD, Uo, or CoD2, so hopfully you will sumitt his infor to PB.
  5. icuucme

    pb ss

    7oPd4wG Check the IW forums under the Cod2 Gerenal for a post from "2ci" He is some hacker that is selling privte hacks and claims that he got one that can get around PB screenshots. Now i dont know too much about hacks or how to detect them, I just remember reading that post, and I think someone said something about it causing a blank screen when a Admin try's taking a screenshot. But I might be wrong. But hopfully Iam not and you can get this guy's information and turn it over to PB. It would be one more hack and hacker gone.
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