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Everything posted by goody

  1. Totally agree Maester. The IGN article is only on there .uk site and is not network wide. Which suggests its being buried incase it is a hoax while still being on there network incase it isnt.
  2. like ace said dont be surprised if this is just rumours. the 2 retailers taking preorders are the same company (merged a year or so ago) and gamestop was the same company that took preorders on the strength of a april fools joke a few years back. some site have quoted kenn hoekstra formally of raven who commented on blue news about it not being developed by raven but it is in development. i emailed him and his comments were based entirley on the shack news article and he knows as much as the rest of us. the only credible source that is now saying they have it confirmed (that it is in development and thats all) is the ign network, for those who dont know ign are part of planet soldier and gamespy. please do not place a preorder for this game until activision confirm it. only time will tell.
  3. this is i think the final chapter. it was not a mistake it was a decision they took.edit there is a bit missing were they emailed me to say the discussion was set to solved.
  4. your welcome m8. i havent heard back from them. yet not sure i will to be honest. i have asked them your direct question was it a mistake or was the decided that the cd key would all be the same. even if they do i dont think it will be a definative answer as thats leaves them open. ah well at least we all know whats happening and that its not just a rumour.
  5. they have deliberatly distributed it with one key. hopefully pb support will not be dropped for a long time yet. btw i have replied asking how activisions choice to use 1 key is part of evenbalances eula. evenbalance are not at fault here and inplying that its there responsability is out of order.
  6. well as i said before the long quote up there is from a email discussion between activion and me. this is the latest reply form them. ------------------ Discussion Thread --------------------------------------------------------------- Response (Kirk McNesby) - 01/02/2007 09:34 AM Hi, Ravensoft developed the game Activision Publishing published the game so the end user license agreement is ours. If you would like to talk to someone with Activision regarding it you would need to contact our legal department (call our main number 310-255-2000, press 0 to talk to the receptionist and ask to be transferred to someone in legal). You should be aware, however, that everything punkbuster related would likely fall under the evenbalance's (developer of punkbuster) EULA. Customer - 12/29/2006 03:20 PM thank you. should i take this up with ravensoft or is there a governing body that deals with breaches of end user license agrements. -------- read from the bottom. basicly there saying they have nothing to do with pb wich means they probably never gave it a seconds thought when they issued the 1 key for all. and it sounds like there also blaming evenbalance for the pb issue which is bs. ah well it its all dependent on evenbalance now. i will forward the whole email to them and see what they say.
  7. thats a good point fozzer. the whole situation is a mess no doubt about that. but this is a catch 22 situation, pb relies on unique guids and activision are mass distributing games with the same guid. this is not pb's fault but activisions. they have broken there contract with evenbalance and the terms of there own eula. and as always its the customers that suffer. a few people seem to be running with the idea that its not there problem. i say it is. most here and on other forums are conisdered senior members of the sof2 comunity, activision has abandoned new players does this mean the senior members should as well. i am not argueing that pb is a good thing as thats a fact. not argueing that some where down the line a player with the 1 key will cheat again thats inevitable. what i am argueing over is do we the senior members abandon new players or do we simply lay out fresh guidelines for server admins and let them make the choice. i think it is more a question of damage limitation atm. you guys are the experts and your opinion and advice is uppermost.
  8. i think all server admins should relax the guid. as activision have decided that as far as there concerned it should be then it makes sense to follow suit. your servers will still be protected from cheats but people with new copies will be able to play.
  9. the grimace thats just rubbish saying tuff if they bought it for mp. they paid there money the same as you or i. this is my whole grip on all forums. no one has the right to say they cannot play because of activisions mistake. the only desent thing to do is to relaxguid 4. as this leaves not only activision open to reprisals but evenbalance and pb bans. if activision have done this then they have effectivly made eula nun and void meaning pb has no right to ban them under that eula.
  10. i am the customer in that one up there. i did reply to them again asking them "should i take this up with ravensoft or is there a governing body that deals with breaches of end user license agrements. " as yet no reply and its been a few days now. like others on all forums i cannot understand why they have done this or why they are refusing to not issue unique keys with proof of purchase. if i do recieve a reply i will let you know.
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