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RED Alec

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    Nobleman's Clan
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    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  1. Yes, that's what I've done But it makes me a little nervous, I'm not up to speeed on game hacking so I don't know which of the stock game files are more important to scan than the others. PB is definately up to date though, and lag should not be an issue since the guy who helped me do the config uses the same provider, in fact our game servers share the same box' I've got PB running on all three servers now, but just as above. I'll try replacing the pb files and see if that fixes the issue. Alec
  2. The message from the logfile is [06.12.2006 14:09:37] VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002: Joey (slot #3) MD5Tool Mismatch: sof2mp.exe (len=16) [9bd241fa02e4b3bb08ef3bd58e91feaa(-)] But there's just too many of them for it be real. One day's violation log is 36KB!!!! So, I've switched of the check for sof2mp.exe (which make me a little nervous) but I have another big one [06.12.2006 14:06:58] VIOLATION (COMFAIL) #133: ^!d^2h^3t ^$j^5o^5^6r^6^7en ^9 (slot #10) No Packet Flow [?(-)] Here's what I don't understand. Everything was fine until the other day, now it's like my PB has got PMT, it just seems to hate everybody. I half expect the next MD5 message to be "because I felt like it". I've attached a copy of my sv_viol.log file maybe it is of some use if anyone has time to look. Almost all the players kicked can play in GC servers without any problem - incidentally, it is an identical copy of GC's config files. It kicks for a violation, you reconnect and can play all night with no problems - or it might kick you for the same thing again, or something else. It's really weird. I get the feeling there's something small and insignificant I have forgotten to do, or done which I should not have. Any pointers would be appreciated. Alec
  3. Really weird this one, MD5 keeps booting people out for mismatch of SOF2.exe But it seems completely random, I got kicked a dozen times yeterday, but only once today and my game is a clean install. It sucks, I have PB on one of my 3 servers but I had hoped to add it to the other two as well. Has anyone heard anything, web searches only show the question being asked a lot in the last week or so. I figured I might ask here since there are a lot of you guys with a fair bit of savvy on PB., a fair bit more than me anyways. Cheers Alec PS. Yes I have updated server and client side, it made no difference.
  4. Well, if a hack is an enhacement which gives you an advantage over other players without it then this certainly qualifies IMHO Alec
  5. Well I do my best but my powers are limited I'll be switching PB back on on CTF soon, problem is I know so little about it, and on the Noble mod it has a tendency to lag Any chance you could answer the question though please? Alec
  6. So his remaining in the "convicted cheaters" usergroup indicates his appeal was unsuccessful then? I'm disappointed in the guy, I need to spend more time looking around here and see who really are the naughty boys and girls
  7. Hi all Sorry if I sound like a bit of a noob, but I suppose in pb terms I am B) I am clan leader for our clan, and a sysop for the six servers we run. Recently we tried PB again but we cannot get rid of the lag problems. It's real brick wall stuff, and it sucks so bad that we have had to take PB off again. So, I fancy that we'll try it again on one server to begin with, and see how we go from there. We run the noble custom version of rocmod for SOF2. Anyone has any pointers, places I should visit etc that will help me reach my goal of a streaming lag free PB service on our servers, I'd be grateful to hear them. And hi to Tim, the URL in your sig got me here :D Alec
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