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About trig

  • Birthday 10/26/1964

Profile Information

  • Interests
    gaming dirtbike riding and boating
  • Location
    usa virginia

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  • Name
    social shooters inc
  • Tag
    ssi blade
  • Game Server IP Address and Port
  • Game Played
    Soldier of Fortune 2
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. trig

    Fireing blanks

    i have exp. the same thing if it happens again stop shooting and start again it seems to fix the problem i think it is more server lag than anything.
  2. trig


    i looked on the evenbalance web site the last update to bf2 was in oct. i hope they are speedy about it i cant wait for the hackers to get busted :D. et omg that is almost as bad as sof2 with the hackers and it is a great game but the cheaters are everywhere thats why i quit playing sof and et it was getting so out of hand
  3. trig


    Does anybody know when pb will update? Im so tired of the hackers in bf2 it is actually getting worse im finding it harder and harder to find a server that is not dominated by players with 35-0 ratios or even worse iv seen them as bad as 76-2 and the admin on the server did nothing he said if he is cheating that pb will get him, but thats not happening. What is going on with pb. The net is full of cheats. They are even for sale. Something needs to be done. The game is going to shit.
  4. will do ACE thank you
  5. last night it was 2 on 1, i was 1 of the 2 the 2 of us are really good well we got our buts owned by a guy and i dont mean just owned i mean owned this guy was making impossable shots he knew where we were the whole game. we got screen shots they showed nothing we looked at his cvars they showed nothing but like i said he knew exactly where we were the whole game. it was like he was using a wallhack and a aimbot at the same time but we did catch 1 thing when he shot his shootgun it fired 3 times faster then ours it was like it was automatic. but we did not see anything in his cvars where do i need to look for a hack that increases the players fire rate is that even possible for a player to increase his fire rate? we know the guy was hacking but we have no prooff if it and no matter how good you are you cannot see thru walls plus the guys ping was also higher than ours. any sugestions thanks guys/gals
  6. meaning a video issue
  7. look at the angle of his gun in relationship to the cursor. this is what happened the ind. left for a few came back and owned all prior to leaving he was not playing well at all. i need some input here guys thanks, i dont want to bann if he is not cheating
  8. sorry but the link does not work for me it says error
  9. Hi, I believe i am ready to stream. If you could Please check for any discrepencies. please let me know. Thank you Brian
  10. i had a member of my clan SSI send me this screen shot he was saying how the player hate was clean. now take a look at the pic he sent he has a wall hack on and he is using red models he is the hacker. no wonder he did so well playing lol. and also how was he able to use the wh and models while he was playing? we have pb enabled we play sof2 and use rocmod any idea how he is getting it thru is there something i need to change to stop other peeps from using it. im waiting to stream i believe i met all the requirements if not plz let me know. i am new to all of this pb stuff i ran a clan in ver 1 for over 2 years and got so tired of all the hacks that is why i came to gold and changed our clan name so that we would not be affialiated with hackers. all we want is a hack free game
  11. the other night myself ( S.S.I. ldr BLADE ) and my other ldr were playing on the S.S.I. server plus there was 1 other member. i was in spec watching them play and i heard knives but no one was thowing knives but you could hear them hitting the wall or the ground. so i went to the server console and it said that knifes were being thrown one after another. also everything we typed to talk in the game was not showing on the screen a short time later my server was crashed. what was done and how can i stop it from happening again. thanks brian we are playing sof2 gold and using rocmod i am also using sof2 runner to operate the server
  13. the other night myself ( S.S.I. ldr BLADE ) and my other ldr were playing on the S.S.I. server plus there was 1 other member. i was in spec watching them play and i heard knives but no one was thowing knives but you could hear them hitting the wall or the ground. so i went to the server console and it said that knifes were being thrown one after another. also everything we typed to talk in the game was not showing on the screen a short time later my server was crashed. what was done and how can i stop it from happening again. thanks brian
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