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  1. For me its solved with this sentence:any pb catch is valid unless evenbalance staff say different . Thank you all for your time.Think,this thread can be closed now. Have a nice day :D
  2. Hendrik_PBSTAFF There is not detailed list for those? Its just so,that when new hack comes out,it gets a new code without registering it into some kind of db? Or the code is assigned with some kind of random process? Thought that code was detailed info on the way the hack works.I thought so because of the main separation by first numbers to Aimbot,Wallhack,Multihack..aso. And finaly:is it possible to get #60010 violation without using an cheat?Caused by progs,drivers,or anything else?
  3. Thx for all your answers. I`ll keep on trying to solve this direct with evenbalance :rolleyes:
  4. Just curious,because i`ve heard that some PB violations are being caused by system or grafik card drivers and dont want to give bans to those who aro not cheating. These days i have found in logs a few people with violation hacks and they all got banned.But one of them keep on telling me,he didnt use any cheat,he hass got problem with his system.So i just wanna find out if its possible btw that one has got code #60010.
  5. Hi there.I would like to know,if there is an detailed PB violation code list.I mean this #800000 numbers. I already found this: Evenbalance supplied these codes concerning Punkbuster. So their is no gray area, anything above 50000 is consider a cheat and the player is attempting to gain an unfair advantage, period... Technical Violations : (Resolution: Reinstall PunkBuster from the latest game update patch) #101 - Communication Failure #102 - Communication Failure #131 - Initialization Failure #132 - Protocol Error #141 - Distress (This indicates a problem trying to update to the latest version of PunkBuster - it may indicate a problem reaching one of our Internet-based Master PB Servers which can be caused by firewalls, router problems, etc.) Miscellaneous Violations :#111 - Bad Name (Resolution: Change player name or play on a different server) #112 - Too Many Bad Names #113 - Too Many Name Changes (Designed to eliminate name change spamming) #114 - Protected Name (Resolution: Change player name or play on a different server) #121 - Negative Score Too Low (usually from Killing Teammates) #151 - Extended ASCII Characters in Player Name (Resolution: use regular letters, numbers and symbols in the player name or play on a different server) #9001 - CVAR value failed range check (see the FAQ for more info) Integrity Violations :When PunkBuster is unable to verify that a player's gaming environment is functioning properly and/or has not been alterred, an Integrity violation is raised. This also involves the detection of modified game or PunkBuster files. These violation numbers are between 10000 and 29999. Cheat/Hack Violations :When PunkBuster detects a cheat or hack by repeated positive identification on a player's computer, a violation is raised. These violation numbers are 50000 and higher. Families of cheats are listed below. Resolution: Remove cheats and hacks from the computer. #50000s - Aimbot #60000s - Wallhack #70000s - Multihack #80000s - Gamehack - This includes editing memory locations and crosshairs #90000s - 'Cheat' Video Drivers #100000s - Speedhack #110000s - Autofire #120000s - Game Hook #130000s - Attempted PunkBuster Hack But i wanna know if there is something more detailed,like when i find in logs somethink like #60010,what does it exactly mean? Thanks for any usefull answer :rolleyes:
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