Hi there.I would like to know,if there is an detailed PB violation code list.I mean this #800000 numbers.
I already found this:
Evenbalance supplied these codes concerning Punkbuster. So their is no gray area, anything above 50000 is consider a cheat and the player is attempting to gain an unfair advantage, period...
Technical Violations : (Resolution: Reinstall PunkBuster from the latest game update patch)
#101 - Communication Failure
#102 - Communication Failure
#131 - Initialization Failure
#132 - Protocol Error
#141 - Distress (This indicates a problem trying to update to the latest version of PunkBuster - it may indicate a problem reaching one of our Internet-based Master PB Servers which can be caused by firewalls, router problems, etc.)
Miscellaneous Violations :#111 - Bad Name (Resolution: Change player name or play on a different server)
#112 - Too Many Bad Names
#113 - Too Many Name Changes (Designed to eliminate name change spamming)
#114 - Protected Name (Resolution: Change player name or play on a different server)
#121 - Negative Score Too Low (usually from Killing Teammates)
#151 - Extended ASCII Characters in Player Name (Resolution: use regular letters, numbers and symbols in the player name or play on a different server)
#9001 - CVAR value failed range check (see the FAQ for more info)
Integrity Violations :When PunkBuster is unable to verify that a player's gaming environment is functioning properly and/or has not been alterred, an Integrity violation is raised. This also involves the detection of modified game or PunkBuster files. These violation numbers are between 10000 and 29999.
Cheat/Hack Violations :When PunkBuster detects a cheat or hack by repeated positive identification on a player's computer, a violation is raised. These violation numbers are 50000 and higher. Families of cheats are listed below. Resolution: Remove cheats and hacks from the computer.
#50000s - Aimbot
#60000s - Wallhack
#70000s - Multihack
#80000s - Gamehack - This includes editing memory locations and crosshairs
#90000s - 'Cheat' Video Drivers
#100000s - Speedhack
#110000s - Autofire
#120000s - Game Hook
#130000s - Attempted PunkBuster Hack
But i wanna know if there is something more detailed,like when i find in logs somethink like #60010,what does it exactly mean?
Thanks for any usefull answer :rolleyes: