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  • Name
    Rear Enders
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    Enemy Territory
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  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. im late LOL oops sorry off to bed now if your not here...but ill be back tommo night at about 8 pm GMT :) we got 4 servers to do :)
  2. ok im ready to stream 4 et servers If you are :)
  3. ok guys im getting rid of my current server :), im actually getting about 6 bigger servers.... :D im buying a dedicated box :D so yeah Ill keep you posted :D erm....jolt.co.uk seem to be too expensive....so ill get the cheaper ones :D im buying them on the 31st of march and prob hav em done and ready for streaming on the 4th....foxdie could u help me stream them when they are up :D thnx
  4. the server he was on has no pb :/ so erm... your fault for being on a non pb server :/ cnt do anything.....plus ---- guys are more than welcome to use aimbots on non-pbservers.....he only plays on this server; http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=serverinfo&idx=109614 noob server like but hey...dont complain if its got no pb :)
  5. my friend is trying to connect to my server, which is obviously with PB....but when he connects to pb servers he looses key packets :s this means he can only play on non pb servers :s he would like to join my clan if he can get his pb working...I took over his computer using remote assistance last night and installed pb via evenbalance...but it still will not let him connect...he has of course got the software netgear installed which I could not find to uninstall :/ i mean im not exactly bad at computers since i spent 3 yrs in college working on them :/ is there any way I could help him as Ive updated his pb to the max.......it still doesnt work :s
  6. lol im happy with this LOL :P thnx guys :D cnt wait to find a stupid lame haxor!!!!;)
  7. i have today set my pb server up for streamin :D coul,d i get access to the streamin forums please :D
  8. RESimple


    nm ive asked foxdie to help me :D
  9. RESimple


    hummm LOL so werd i get it? :s jus question LOL maybe i should look more on the forums but this is the first post i came to so sorry if ive not done the right thin g:p
  10. Ahhh ill take the password off now :) but ive put my name on admin on the server as well....tht was needed anyways :) thnx ok i have removed the guest login :) hope this helps too :D
  11. RESimple


    :o lol u guys speak as if its out already :o :P thnx :D
  12. ok ive set myself as the administrator and changed the e-mail over on my server.cfg :) Im ghlad ive found a server streamer which will be effective :D btw can i just ask, when u stream the server how will it work and what wil it do? :) my website is www.rearenders.co.nr :) thnx
  13. RESimple


    lol ok were dcan i download jpat? :) bah fireworks my ass :P
  14. :) not on clanbase but will change the server admin from Jedix to Simple tonight im at library now :s lol waiting for grandma coz she cnt use a computer to look up flights :( grrr :P thnx for fast reply :)
  15. RESimple


    guys, I know im with jolt and I rent a server off them, I dont use any sort of hack, infact Id like you guys to stream my server, I kept getting this error in the first post a load of times, I dont do anying other than re-install anything wen I have a problem with sumthin, it worked :s I now play with confidence, but yet even though I have bots on my server, it seems people think they can bring aimbots to the server, How do I identify an aimbot??? thts my Question.......I try to protect my clanmates from people spoiling their fun, sumtimes I do it sometimes it is the wrong choice anmd people bad mouth me, but then again I had FRENCH GUY COME ON MY SERVER THE OTHER DAY, ACTING LIKE ONE OF MY BOTS WITH A 70% ACC THEN TO 62%, we all asked why, he sed, I havnt got anything :s OMG!!!! If anyone has any pointers on aimbots coyuld I hav some tips? :) thnx
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