As far as I know, my brother in law is declined access to this site because he is in some way linked to a GUID that has been used to hack. A GUID that was been used by several HUNDRED people, so the chances are its a leaked key.
He is directly linked to 2 GUID's, both clean as a whistle. Yet, he was declined access to this site wich made us decide to not stream. What good is streaming for us if the clan punkbuster can not even get his info from here?
He did not get access, not even limited access. He has never hacked. He checks 700MB of PB screenies (our CTF only) every week. He does everything to keep hackers out, yet he has been branded a hacker, or atleast as 'not trusted' because he is in some way linked to a key, that was used by one of the hundred entries that used it, to hack.
If this is your policy, it's your policy. Nothing can be done about that. It only means we have to keep a closer look on our server, checks and screenies, and that one of the biggest clans in SOF2 with the most active servers aren't streaming.